SteamTrades - Have List Filter

Check if you own the games from someone's have list (instant Compare2Steam)

Đây là tất cả phiên bản của script này. Chỉ hiển thị các phiên bản mà mã nguồn thay đổi.

  • v1.7 26-01-2019 updated API
  • v1.6 20-02-2018
  • v1.5 02-08-2017
  • v1.4 28-04-2017 Now gets owned games from enhanced steam's api, instead of the broken xml method. + Now adds links to steam store or steamdb of owned/wishlisted games + Now freezes page much less than before
  • v1.3 03-02-2017
  • v1.2 18-01-2017
  • v1.1 07-11-2016
  • v1.1 07-11-2016
  • v1.0.1 06-11-2016
  • v1.0 06-11-2016
  • v1.0 06-11-2016
  • v0.4 28-10-2016
  • v0.3 13-08-2016 Now remembers owned steam games and only checks again per set interval
  • v0.2 12-08-2016 v0.2 - Added copy unowned/unknown games to clipboard function
  • v0.1 12-08-2016
  • v0.1 12-08-2016