JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.

< Feedback on JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Review: Tệ - Script không hoạt động

Posted: 07-10-2016

New update trouble

Since the recent update, when i attempt to search by Most recent, or highest reward etc. nothing shows up when i search. I reinstalled the version prior to that and it works fine again. Just thought i'd mention my issue i'm having with the new update. Love this script by the way! Thank you so much.

JohnnyRSTác giả
Posted: 10-10-2016

Yes I messed up one thing when trying to fix a problem. I'll be putting out a new version sometime today to fix this bug. Thanks.

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