NeoGAF: Blacklists

Experimental blocking based on user-set blacklists

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Experimental Blocking

You must manually modify the massBlock.set to add your blocking options. These require a CSS selector, an array of words or regular expressions to block, and a parent element to hide if that selector finds your blacklist text.

For example, to block posts from some users:

posts: { // block posts from these users
    selector: '.postbit-details-username a',
    parent: 'div.postbit',
    blacklist: ['user1', 'user2', 'etc-users'],
    type: 'Exact'

The type attribute defines whether the blocking has to match the blacklisted words exactly. There are three blocking methods: Exact, Simple, Complex.

Exact matches the selector's content with the blacklisted word. If the two are exactly the same, then it gets blocked. Complex uses regular expressions, while Simple tests that the blacklisted words are inside the selector's text. Simple is a lenient version of Exact: "something" will match the phrase "there is something here."