Miss Surfersparadise Image Fixer

Attempts to fix broken images for Miss Surfersparadise by sourcing from a variety of other websites

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On July 24, 2015, "search site" Surfersparadise underwent a major overhaul, in the process cutting the juice on things like the Miss Surfersparadise art contest. While Wayback Machine managed to save most of it, images for the most part did not survive. This script aims to fix that by culling from numerous other sources.

There are several cases where images can't be resuscitated at all. I could set up a means of skipping them over, but that's kind of pessimistic. I also managed to save a few from 2004 thanks to, of all things, Bing's image search thumbnails, however, I would need to host these somewhere, as I am assuming they would not be on Bing's servers forever.

This script has been set to exclude Miss Surfersparadise 2009 as, through some strange miracle, everything has been fully saved there.