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Skyforge Wikia - Bubble help on skill (Abilities and Talents)

Add a bubble help when you mouseover a skill name (Abilities and Talents)

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Skyforge Wikia - Bubble help (Tooltip) on skill (Abilities and Talents)

This script will add a bubble help (Tooltip) when you mouseover a skill name (Abilities and Talents)

The pages included are :[class_name]

See image in attached files for some examples.

Don't hesitate to contact me for bugs/issues or if you have some suggestions

If you want to show the tooltip at the bottom-right of the page instead of the mouse position, just change the line "GM_addStyle(xxx)" by "GM_addStyle('#WikiaArticle{overflow: visible !important;} .tego_box{display:none;} a[title]:hover .tego_box{ display:inline; position:fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 9999}');"