IMDb - List Helper

Makes creating IMDb lists more efficient and convenient

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Posted: 13-10-2015

Great script! Would it be possible to import ratings, too?

First, I want to say a big THANK YOU to themagician for this very handy script. I've been trying to find a way to import big lists of titles to IMDb, and this did the trick nicely*. (I've tweaked the script a bit so it also works when importing lists of people; it might be helpful to others if you included this functionality as well.)

My question is - would it be possible to import a user's ratings the same way (assuming the ratings are taken from a site that also uses a 10-star system, like kinopoisk or themoviedb)? If so, and the script was updated to include this ability, it would be a godsend to countless users everywhere.

* I did want to mention that I started getting lots of errors when processing a list of 100+ titles at a time. I found that pasting 25 at a time, processing them, and repeating this process was the safest way to avoid any issues. Would increasing the delay between each request help in this case? (I'm using Tampermonkey in Chrome, and the list was of IMDb IDs.)

themagicianTác giả
Posted: 27-10-2015

Sorry for a late reply. I make these scripts for a forum where people usually PM me about any issues and I just host them here.

Personally I've imported lists as long as 1000 titles without problem and I know many others have as well. I use Firefox + Greasemonkey though.

What kind of errors were they?

Also yes you could import ratings as well. I hadn't even thought of that! I will implement this hopefully this week.

Posted: 28-10-2015

No problem, I appreciate you getting back to me at all! I just tried reproducing the error I mentioned by importing a list of 500 URLs, but it worked perfectly. Perhaps it was a fluke? (FYI: the error said something like "Request Failed" in a pop-up box, and the screen froze until I hit the Enter key. This would happen with every other item in the list, or so.)

Since IMDb lets you create lists of titles, people, characters and images, I tweaked the last bit of your script - if($("#filmCurrent").val().match(/(tt[0-9]{7})/)[1] - so it also works with people and characters: if($("#filmCurrent").val().match(/([CHMNTchmnt]{2}[0-9]{7})/)[1]

tt = titles, nm = people, ch = characters

So glad to hear it might be possible to import ratings using this script! I know many users who would be very grateful to you for such a timesaver. Thanks again for this, and for your reply. Feel free to send me a message here if I can do anything to help.

themagicianTác giả
Posted: 28-10-2015

I added support for importing ratings. See the description for how it works.

Posted: 08-12-2016

Thanks for creating the script. It's very handy. I did, however, encounter some problems while trying to import ratings. I used Chrome and version 2.0 of the script. It seemed to get stuck after importing the first film.

themagicianTác giả
Posted: 11-12-2016
Thanks for creating the script. It's very handy. I did, however, encounter some problems while trying to import ratings. I used Chrome and version 2.0 of the script. It seemed to get stuck after importing the first film.

Thanks for the report. Should be fixed now.

Posted: 16-12-2016

Hello again. I'm here to report the same issue that sefi mentioned above - on Chrome, using the updated version of the script, importing ratings doesn't function at all. The first title in the list is processed (but the rating isn't imported), then it gets stuck. The new script works perfectly on Firefox, however.

themagicianTác giả
Posted: 18-12-2016

Hello again. I'm here to report the same issue that sefi mentioned above - on Chrome, using the updated version of the script, importing ratings doesn't function at all. The first title in the list is processed (but the rating isn't imported), then it gets stuck. The new script works perfectly on Firefox, however.

Hi. I just tested the script with Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m and TamperMonkey 4.2.7 and it worked fine.

Posted: 19-12-2016

Strange, now in Chrome I don't see the import window at all. It's as if the script isn't even installed. (See attached image.) I tried deleting and reinstalling the script, as well as creating a new list and editing an existing one. I'm using Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m and TamperMonkey 4.2.7.

themagicianTác giả
Posted: 21-12-2016

Strange, now in Chrome I don't see the import window at all. It's as if the script isn't even installed. (See attached image.) I tried deleting and reinstalling the script, as well as creating a new list and editing an existing one. I'm using Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m and TamperMonkey 4.2.7.

Remember to remove the @require line and to paste the contents of the link in the script (see description).

This needs to be done in Chrome because TamperMonkey includes the source code at the beginning of the script and then it can't access the jQuery variables. Normally I'd just @require the jQuery library before it but I need to access the bindings on the IMDb page so that the script works correctly which is why I need to access the unsafeWindow.

Posted: 21-12-2016

My apologies, I didn't realize that workaround was required for the latest update. It works just fine once that's done. Thanks again for all your help and for the terrific script!

Posted: 23-01-2017

A great script! However, ratings don't work for me at the moment. I've tried both with Firefox and Chrome and I get the same behaviour as described above. First film get added, but without rating, then it stops. In Chrome I tried using the latest version and editing the script as the description said. Chrome 55.0.2883.87 and TamperMonkey 4.2.7. Does this still work for you?

themagicianTác giả
Posted: 05-02-2017
A great script! However, ratings don't work for me at the moment. I've tried both with Firefox and Chrome and I get the same behaviour as described above. First film get added, but without rating, then it stops. In Chrome I tried using the latest version and editing the script as the description said. Chrome 55.0.2883.87 and TamperMonkey 4.2.7. Does this still work for you?

Hi! I just tested with Firefox 51.0.1 and GreaseMonkey 3.9 and importing ratings works for me.

Posted: 06-02-2017
A great script! However, ratings don't work for me at the moment. I've tried both with Firefox and Chrome and I get the same behaviour as described above. First film get added, but without rating, then it stops. In Chrome I tried using the latest version and editing the script as the description said. Chrome 55.0.2883.87 and TamperMonkey 4.2.7. Does this still work for you?
Same here for me.Fixed some parsing errors in the code, but ratings still KO. Chrome, Firefox, Edge...all the same.Not even with only 1 item in the list.
themagicianTác giả
Posted: 07-02-2017
Edited: 07-02-2017
A great script! However, ratings don't work for me at the moment. I've tried both with Firefox and Chrome and I get the same behaviour as described above. First film get added, but without rating, then it stops. In Chrome I tried using the latest version and editing the script as the description said. Chrome 55.0.2883.87 and TamperMonkey 4.2.7. Does this still work for you?
Same here for me.Fixed some parsing errors in the code, but ratings still KO. Chrome, Firefox, Edge...all the same.Not even with only 1 item in the list.

Hi! I tested the script with Chrome 56.0.2924.87 and TamperMonkey 4.2.7 and importing ratings works for me.

Can you try importing ratings using the format:


If that doesn't work then I don't know how to debug this :/

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