Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

< Відгуки до Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation


Опубліковано: 19.12.2014
Edited: 18.01.2015

Repaired a few problems, but can not figure out how to add a desired option.

Unfortunately my familiarity with this script is limited, but I have fixed a few things that have bugged me.

I changed the priority for Leadership to last so that you can leave it at 9 slots, and adding slots to another profession will not be taken up by leadership first.

The ad counter will now count refined ad immediately. Will also not show totals that are below 50 AD, because that will not be transferable anyway.

I added the ad counter in its own loop, because it seemed that the break in the loop it had been inserted in would sometimes have it not count a character's ad. And I did in fact observe this to be the case sometimes.

I would really like to be able to have the script move on to the next task if no valid tasks that can be started.

Опубліковано: 20.12.2014
Edited: 20.12.2014

I have been staring at the code for hours, and I can't make heads or tails about where the set number of slots to be used for the profession is being stored.

I am thinking that there must be some place in the code where it uses that number. I would like to have it substitute that number with a 1 if it is greater than one and the level for that profession is lower than 3 (with an optional setting to disable this behavior).

Adding an option to disable this seems pretty straight forward, and that is about the only part of this that I seem to be able to figure out. For the life of me I can't figure out where the setting for desired slots is being stored and where in the code it is being called.

Опубліковано: 20.12.2014

Brent i had some old code on another pc where i kinda tried this but then ran into an issue that i never worked on again, which was the checking of slots assigned from gateway datamodel was not updating in time for the bot to see that one task was just started.

I'm starting to think a custom event/subscription type method would be better to work with the gw data model. Having to hold up the script all the time for data and changes to become avail via the model is not a good idea for growing features.

The settings & slots & profession list is saved and loaded to some sort of db interfaced via tampermonkey/greasemoney api i think.

Опубліковано: 20.12.2014
Edited: 20.12.2014

To Brent, I also stared this CODE hours or even more and never figured nothing, but some basics stuff. MAC-NW says it good way, -Look old and new code difference.

About open slot detection when leveling Professions, it is nice to have but more valuable thing is script ability to handle situation when inventory fills up and open Rewardchest´s.

When script can open Reward´s and sell not needed bulk items, users can let script runing alone longer periods...

Fastest way to level Profession is not start with Leadership, list depends if you have resources old/new -player have different resources to use

+ open 100% speed slot (4x Blue worker, automation useless)
+ open tier3 quality slot (4x Purple tools needed, automation can be used)
+ level one profession up to 20, opens more slots during process (can be automated, but opened slots need add manually)

Second phase is,

+ level 2x more professions up 20 (Total three professions up Level20)

Now you have 7 - 9 slots open depending character level, if character level is >30 =7 slots, if <30 and >60 = 8slot and if =<60 =9slot.

It take 4 - 7 days open extra slots and it boost your LEadership output+you reach level20 faster. Some "hand job" is needed because all steps are REALLY difficult do with script/program.

Now, you have all slots open what you can open, now you start slowest profession what is leadership and it will take 2 - 3 weeks to reach TOP 20 and current Browser bot can complete it allmost without user interaction, fully automagicly.

LOng strory eh? Hopefully my english will not fail.

ps. Need look "tasklist" for faster progression + "fallback option", script automation is now nice 99%, ;) .

Опубліковано: 20.12.2014

Well, since I doubt that I will be able to add that option any time soon, I removed all the code I was working on for it and only left in the repaired code. The zax consolidation still seems to mess up the ad counter until all of the characters are scanned again, but that is not that big of a deal to me.

Опубліковано: 20.12.2014

NWM, I saved your script changes and will try them on my own "Sandbox", to see what they do just for fun, ;)... and trying understand better how script is build.

ps. Add tags on code, it helps put them in script and track bug/changes

// Brent

here is your code // you can also comment if you like per line
and functions added

// Brent

Опубліковано: 20.12.2014
Edited: 20.12.2014

Well, I did add some debug messages that seemed to be needed. :)

One fix I forgot to mention is that I added the ad counter in its own loop, because it seemed that the break in the loop it had been inserted in would sometimes have it not count a character's ad. And I did in fact observe this to be the case sometimes.

Опубліковано: 21.12.2014
Edited: 21.12.2014

I moved the priority of alchemy higher. It seems to work better that way, so that if you set alchemy for one slot and another profession to max slots, then unlocked slots are automatically used by it and the single alchemy slot is always used first. I re-uploaded the file for these changes.

Опубліковано: 21.12.2014
Edited: 21.12.2014

I added the changes that you added and re-uploaded the file.

Опубліковано: 22.12.2014

Would probably be a good idea to clean up and remove all those old task names that are commented out :)

Опубліковано: 22.12.2014
Edited: 22.12.2014

To be honest, there are a lot of things that bug me about the code, because I am just picky.

I have recently just replaced all the indentation spaces with tab spaces and re-uploaded this file.

Опубліковано: 27.12.2014
Edited: 27.12.2014

Incorporated the changes included in version v1.05.0.1f with the changes that were not included, and re-uploaded the file.

Опубліковано: 30.12.2014

Hey, how about if make "Bunta´s original" what has only Profession/tasklist´s updated, but all other options are intact.

...and then try make script where all NEW options can be selected from UI. It means lotsa editing, but not much coding.

Im not sure how to make code that script use "default" if option "this_item" is not selected... then rest is just trackback changes and make menu items, that can be usefull when checking some failures.

Опубліковано: 08.01.2015
Edited: 08.01.2015

I moved the AutoIt invoking script to its own post.

Опубліковано: 18.01.2015

Modified version v1.10.1 with these fixes.

Опубліковано: 18.01.2015
Edited: 18.01.2015

Can you join Github? It is easier maintain changes there and I do this script update from there.

xD, you are this guy "BigRedBrent"... checked difference, 8D.

Опубліковано: 18.01.2015

I am waiting for some pulls to be merged before I add one last pull request, that only changes the order that the professions are listed in the GUI, to match the change to the priority in the currently requested pull.

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