IdlePixel Combat Damage Tracker for those that want to know how their weapons are doing
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@Version 1.2.3Fixed errors for bad G2/G3 imagesNew printout if you kill monster too quickly to capture data (Shown in console)
@version 1.2.1Fixed ranged_damage_white.png to be arrow_damage_white.png
@Version 1.2.0Moved the damage tracker from a panel to a modal styleThere is now a hot key for opening/closing it, the ` key.
@Version 1.1.0Added in the ability to see all dmg types in fight (Player and Monster)Tables have been altered and streamlinedAt the end of the fight, the fight will be grouped by that fight, can be expanded and collapsed Expanded by clicking the Green Portion (Collapsed)Collapsed by clicking the Blue Portion (Expanded)Thanks to Strawberry for helping me get this a bit more functional and a shit ton more pretty.