Avistaz Plus

This extension simply calculates the required seeding time and displays it in the hours seeded box. Colors Ratio accordingly. Many other QOL features to come. - This is not affiliated with Avistaz. At all. -

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Avistaz Plus
// @version      1.4.2
// @description  This extension simply calculates the required seeding time and displays it in the hours seeded box. Colors Ratio accordingly. Many other QOL features to come. - This is not affiliated with Avistaz. At all. -
// @author       Improved Avistaz
// @match        https://avistaz.to/profile/*/history*
// @match        https://avistaz.to/torrent*
// @match        https://cinemaz.to/profile/*/history*
// @match        https://cinemaz.to/torrent*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-end
// @namespace http://your-namespace.com
// ==/UserScript==

function AddedSeeding() {
  document.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr').forEach(el => {
    const cells = el.querySelectorAll('td');
    const Seededtimeraw = cells[10].querySelector('span').getAttribute('data-original-title');
    const Seedingtimeraw = Seededtimeraw.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/g);
    const Seedingtime = Math.ceil(parseInt(Seedingtimeraw) / 60);
    const Ratio = cells[7].querySelector('.text-bold').textContent;
    const rawDownload = cells[6].querySelector('.text-red').textContent;
    var Match = rawDownload.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*(GB|MB|KB|TB|B)\b/i);
    if (Match) {
      var DownloadedGB = parseFloat(Match[1]);
      var unit = Match[3];
      unit === "TB" ? DownloadedGB *= 1024 : unit === "MB" ? DownloadedGB /= 1024 : unit === "KB" ? DownloadedGB /= 1024 ** 2 : DownloadedGB = DownloadedGB
    else Match = "0";

    var result = DownloadedGB <= 1 ? result = 72 : DownloadedGB > 1 && DownloadedGB < 50 ? result = Math.ceil(72 + 2 * DownloadedGB) : DownloadedGB > 50 ? result = Math.ceil(100 * Math.log(DownloadedGB) - 219.2023) : 0

    var difference = result - Seedingtime

    const appendedValue = Seedingtime;
    const seedingCell = cells[10];
    const textToDisplay = Seedingtime + 'h / ' + result + 'h';
    seedingCell.textContent = textToDisplay;
    Seedingtime > result ? seedingCell.style.color = 'green' : seedingCell.style.color = 'red';

    const ratioCell = cells[7];
    ratioCell.textContent = Ratio;
    ratioCell.classList.add('badge-extra'); // Add the classes
    ratioCell.style.marginLeft = '5px'; // Adjust the left spacing as needed
    ratioCell.style.marginTop = '5px'; // Adjust the top spacing as needed
    Ratio > 0.9 ? ratioCell.style.color = 'green' : ratioCell.style.color = 'lightcoral';
function HitandRun() {
  const data = [];
  var table = document.querySelector("#content-area > div:nth-child(5) > div.table-responsive");
  document.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr').forEach(el => {
    const cells = el.querySelectorAll('td');
    var name = cells[0].innerText;
    if (name.includes('Size')) {
      const rawDownload = cells[1].textContent;
      var Match = rawDownload.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*(GB|MB|KB|TB|B)\b/i);
      if (Match) {
        var DownloadedGB = parseFloat(Match[1]);
        let torrentinfo = (DownloadedGB * 0.9).toFixed(3);
        var unit = Match[3];
        unit === "TB" ? DownloadedGB *= 1024 : unit === "MB" ? DownloadedGB /= 1024 : unit === "KB" ? DownloadedGB /= 1024 ** 2 : DownloadedGB = DownloadedGB
      var result = DownloadedGB <= 1 ? result = 72 : DownloadedGB > 1 && DownloadedGB < 50 ? result = Math.ceil(72 + 2 * DownloadedGB) : DownloadedGB > 50 ? result = Math.ceil(100 * Math.log(DownloadedGB) - 219.2023) : 0
      var days = Math.floor(result / 24);
      // Calculate the remaining hours
      var hours = result % 24;
      // Now, 'days' contains the whole days, and 'hours' contains the remaining hours
      console.log(days + ' days and ' + hours + ' hours');
      const size = cells[1].textContent;
      var clone = el.cloneNode(true);
      var cloneCells = clone.querySelectorAll('td');
      cloneCells[0].textContent = "Hit and Run";
      cloneCells[0].style.fontWeight = 'bold';
      let torrentinfo = (DownloadedGB * 0.9).toFixed(2);
      cloneCells[1].textContent = `If you download this torrent you will need to upload ${torrentinfo} GB or seed for ${days} days and ${hours} hours.`;
      el.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, el.nextSibling);
// This checks the URL and picks which function to run.
var currentURL = window.location.href;
// Check the URL and decide which function to execute
if (currentURL.includes("/history")) {
  AddedSeeding(); // Execute function for Type 1 URL
} else if (currentURL.includes("/torrent")) {
  HitandRun(); // Execute function for Type 2 URL
} else {
  // Handle other URLs or provide a default action
  console.log("This URL doesn't match any known types");

// Many thanks to the kind person that showed interest in this code!