DTF & VC Comments Expander

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Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 23.04.2024

Появилась проблема: если сворачиваю ветку комментов, она разворачивается назад (раньше этого не было)

Опубліковано: 04.05.2024

There is no such problem on vc.ru. But dtf.ru there is such unusual behavior. Maybe it's due to the new design and I hope it's not too annoying for you, because I don't see a simple way to solve it without greatly complication of the script code, which I would not like to do now. Let's try to wait for some time until the next redesign and then we'll see. In any case, thanks for the feedback!

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