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< Відгуки до ppixiv for Pixiv


Опубліковано: 09.10.2022

ppixiv is not working, it's just showing a blank page

Опубліковано: 09.10.2022

I need a bit more info. Which browser and script manager? Can you press F12 and see if there are any related errors? (If you paste the log here, please check that it doesn't contain information that you don't want to share, like your Pixiv ID.)

Опубліковано: 09.10.2022

I am not the original poster, but I believe I am encountering the same issue.
I'm using Firefox 105.0.3 and Tampermonkey 4.18.0. I see that Tampermonkey updated on the 2nd of October, and I believe the issue started since then.

When I press F12 and go to the console tab, I see the following errors:

Error freezing [object History]: TypeError: can't prevent extensions on this proxy object helpers.js:785:25
delete_overrides https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/helpers.js:785
cleanup_environment https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/helpers.js:804
initial_setup https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/main.js:47
moz-extension://266bc507-8f24-4d18-8a29-e4f01672e2b4/userscripts/ppixiv for Pixiv.user.js?id=1ff9493a-f139-4f87-99de-2ffe7364a476:39531
window["__f__l91uuye4.0h"]/ moz-extension://266bc507-8f24-4d18-8a29-e4f01672e2b4/userscripts/ppixiv for Pixiv.user.js?id=1ff9493a-f139-4f87-99de-2ffe7364a476:1
(Async: Async)

Error freezing [object HTMLDocument]: TypeError: can't prevent extensions on this proxy object helpers.js:785:25
delete_overrides https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/helpers.js:785
cleanup_environment https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/helpers.js:805
initial_setup https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/main.js:47
moz-extension://266bc507-8f24-4d18-8a29-e4f01672e2b4/userscripts/ppixiv for Pixiv.user.js?id=1ff9493a-f139-4f87-99de-2ffe7364a476:39531
window["__f__l91uuye4.0h"]/ moz-extension://266bc507-8f24-4d18-8a29-e4f01672e2b4/userscripts/ppixiv for Pixiv.user.js?id=1ff9493a-f139-4f87-99de-2ffe7364a476:1
(Async: Async)

Error unwrapping environment TypeError: can't prevent extensions on this proxy object
cleanup_environment https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/helpers.js:813
initial_setup https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/r160/src/main.js:47
moz-extension://266bc507-8f24-4d18-8a29-e4f01672e2b4/userscripts/ppixiv for Pixiv.user.js?id=1ff9493a-f139-4f87-99de-2ffe7364a476:39531
window["__f__l91uuye4.0h"]/ moz-extension://266bc507-8f24-4d18-8a29-e4f01672e2b4/userscripts/ppixiv for Pixiv.user.js?id=1ff9493a-f139-4f87-99de-2ffe7364a476:1
Async* moz-extension://266bc507-8f24-4d18-8a29-e4f01672e2b4/page.js:1

TypeError: params.keys() is not iterable eval line 39460 > eval:2998:31

Let me know if I can provide any more information.

Thank you for your work.

Опубліковано: 09.10.2022

Hmm, I'm not seeing it in that configuration.

Most of those errors are expected in Firefox. Is there a stack trace for the last params.keys()? That's probably where the problem is. I'm not sure why that one isn't showing show source info like the other ones.

Опубліковано: 09.10.2022

Hold on, I think I can repro it. Will take a look.

Опубліковано: 09.10.2022

Looks like it was a pretty ugly change made in TamperMonkey. Try updating to r161, it should work now.

Опубліковано: 10.10.2022

Can confirm it's fixed, thanks.

Опубліковано: 10.10.2022

It's fixed for me as well, thank you for the quick update :)

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