Quick Bar Instructions
Quick Bar Usage Instructions
This Quick Bar allows you to add commands and manage your menu efficiently. Follow the steps below to use it effectively.
1. Adding a New Command
To add a new command to the Quick Bar:
- Click the + button located at the bottom right of the Quick Bar.
- Select Add Command from the options.
- Enter the command name, image URL (optional), and the command to be executed.
- Click OK to add the command.
2. Adding a Line Break
To insert a line break:
- Click the + button at the bottom right of the Quick Bar.
- Select Add Line Break from the options.
3. Loading Commands from a File
You can load commands from a text file:
- Click the + button and select Load Commands from File.
- Select the desired text file (.txt) containing your commands.
4. Clearing Memory
To clear all saved commands:
- Click the + button and choose Clear Memory.
- Confirm the action when prompted.
5. Exporting the Command Table
To export the current command table:
- Click the + button and select Export Table.
- The table will be saved as a .txt file on your device.
6. Executing a Command
To execute a command:
- Simply click on the command name in the Quick Bar.
7. Importing Commands from a Text File
To import commands from a text file, ensure that the file is formatted correctly:
- Each line should contain a command in the following format:
Command Name, Command to Execute, Image URL (optional)
For example:
Open Google, window.open('https://www.google.com'), https://example.com/google_icon.png
Send Alert, alert('Hello World!'),
To add a line break in the menu, leave a blank line in the file:
Open Google, window.open('https://www.google.com'), https://example.com/google_icon.png
Send Alert, alert('Hello World!'),
Ensure that the commands you input are valid JavaScript commands, as they will be executed using eval