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FocusNinja:Bilibili, YouTube, and Zhihu Homepage Content Blocker B站油管知乎首页内容屏蔽器

Hide specific elements on Bilibili, YouTube, and Zhihu homepages

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🌟 FocusNinja:B站油管知乎首页内容屏蔽器 🌟

🚀 简介 FocusNinja 是一个专为Bilibili、YouTube和知乎设计的浏览器脚本,帮助您专注于搜索,避免在无关视频中消磨时光。

✨ 功能亮点

  • 屏蔽视频推荐,避免在无关内容中漫游
  • 专注于搜索,直接找到所需信息
  • 易于安装,一键开启无干扰模式

🔧 安装指南 1️⃣ 安装Tampermonkey扩展 2️⃣ 新建脚本,复制粘贴FocusNinja代码 3️⃣ 激活脚本,享受专注的上网体验

👥 适用人群 适合任何需要在线工作或学习,希望减少干扰的用户。

🌈 与FocusNinja一起,避免在b站、YouTube和知乎搜索时分心!创造一个更专注、更高效的数字生活空间!

FocusNinja: Bilibili, YouTube, and Zhihu Homepage Content Blocker

FocusNinja is a browser script specifically designed for Bilibili, YouTube, and Zhihu users, aiming to minimize online distractions. It's especially beneficial in a high-focus work environment and can be a great aid for users with ADHD.

Key Features

  • Block Distracting Content: Automatically hides video recommendations on the homepages of Bilibili, YouTube, and Zhihu, preventing unnecessary distractions and helping you stay focused.
  • Focus on Search: Retains the search functionality, ensuring that you can quickly find the information you need without scrolling through hours of irrelevant content.
  • User-friendly: Easy to install and operate, compatible with various browsers.

How to Install

  1. Install the Tampermonkey browser extension.
  2. Create a new script in Tampermonkey and copy-paste the FocusNinja code.
  3. Save and activate the script to enjoy a more focused browsing experience.

FocusNinja is designed for those who want to maintain focus and efficiency in the digital world. Experience a distraction-free browsing environment now and enhance your work and study productivity!