Tabview Youtube

Make comments and lists into tabs for YouTube Videos

< Feedback on Tabview Youtube

Review: قالتىس - قوليازما ئىشلەيدۇ

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-04-27

Hello, I've enjoyed this script for a while but a few days ago the comment section for all videos completely disappeared. I noticed that I hadn't upgraded to the latest script in a while so I updated to 1.8.40, but after refreshing the script wasn't working at all (default youtube layout showed up). After testing previous versions I found the most recent version that works for me is version 1.8.30.

Also I've been having issues similar to other users where some comments would be cut off and not show the "Show more" button. I've had this issue ever since i first downloaded this script and with all versions.

OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Browser: Waterfox 2022.04 (64-bit)

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-04-29

Hello razelfragel,

I added some codes using new syntax which is currently not yet supported by Waterfox. I updated coding in version 1.8.43 for backward compatibility for Waterfox.

I think the second issue is already addressed. Please try 1.8.43 and let me know.

however, I don't think using Waterfox is good. Firefox has changed a lot recently, no matter you think it is bad or good. Waterfox can just maintain the old engine and give up all the recent new features adopted in major latest browsers. It might have security problems also since it is still using the old version of Firefox.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-04-29


for Waterfox, I can just install either Greasemonkey or Violentmonkey.

I don't know why Greasemonkey is not working, but Violentmonkey can.

Please use Violentmonkey for this userscript.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-04-30

Thank you for the helpful response, Version 1.8.46 seems to be working as well as previous versions for me, but unfortunately I'm still experiencing the bug where "show more" doesn't show in the comments. I currently use the Tampermonkey extension to manage my userscripts but I might try Violentmonkey and see if I have better luck.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-05-01

I tried Waterfox G4.1.1.1 (64-bit) and Tampermonkey BETA downloaded from .

Everything works fine and could not reproduce the "show more" issue.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-05-01

Just found that YouTube detected your Waterfox Classic 2022.04 is old browser and implemented different CSS codes.

Please update to version 1.8.47. Problem should be fixed.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-05-01

It works! You're incredible thank you! I was honestly considering for the first time in years switching internet browsers just to get this script working. I'll probably have to switch in the near future, I've already noticed some sites are becoming unstable lately (mainly streaming services). But I've simply grown too attached to these ancient Firefox addons that are no longer supported by Firefox haha.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-05-08

Just released Beta Version 2.1.0

I try to avoid the syntax not supporting in Waterfox Classic.
Please let me know for any problem in Waterfox Classic.

Stable Version v1.8.51

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-05-17

I'm sorry but I'm having some issues again with the newest version. The tabview on the right hand side seems to be working as intended, but the video pane has a glitch concerning the new interface for the video description. When scrolling down on the video, the text from the video title and description overlaps with the video itself, as seen in the screenshots.

Downgrading to v1.8.51 fixes the overlapping issue but unfortunately I still have to deal with Youtube's ugly new video description box, which now includes a preview of a random comment for some reason. Is there a way to revert back to the video description area from before?

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-05-17

Second screenshot, after scrolling down.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-06-18

Hi, this problem is still here or not in version 2.4.1 ??

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2022-07-03

Sorry for the late reply, yes it's been fixed now. Thank you!

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