// ==UserScript==
// @name ニコニコ静画、退会したユーザーの情報を表示
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.14518
// @description ユーザーページはわりと雑な再現
// @author cbxm
// @match https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/*
// @match https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/user/illust/*
// @connect seiga.nicovideo.jp
// @connect sp.seiga.nicovideo.jp
// @run-at document-start
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
const IsData = (d) => typeof (d.illustCount) == "number" && d.illusts != null && d.user != null;
class Util {
static XmlToObj(xmlString) {
const F = (xmlString, obj) => {
let tagMatchs = null;
while (true) {
tagMatchs = xmlString.match(/<([^>]+)>/);
if (tagMatchs == null) {
return xmlString;
if (tagMatchs[1][tagMatchs[1].length - 1] == "/") {
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<[^>]+>([^]*)/, "$1");
else {
const tag = tagMatchs[1];
const matchChildlen = [];
while (true) {
const matchs = xmlString.match(new RegExp(`^[^<]*<${tag}>([^]+?)<\/${tag}>([^]*)`));
if (matchs == null) {
xmlString = matchs[2];
if (matchChildlen.length == 0) {
return obj;
if (matchChildlen.length == 1) {
obj[tag] = F(matchChildlen[0], {});
if (matchChildlen.length > 1) {
obj = [];
for (let i = 0; i < matchChildlen.length; i++) {
obj[i] = F(matchChildlen[i], {});
F(xmlString, obj);
return obj;
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/\s*<[^>]+>([^]+)/, "$1");
return F(xmlString, {});
static HtmlToDocument(str) {
const parser = new DOMParser();
return parser.parseFromString(str, "text/html");
static HtmlToChildNodes(str) {
return this.HtmlToDocument(str).body.childNodes;
static Wait(ms) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
class Fetcher {
static GMFetchText(url) {
return new Promise(r => {
url: url,
method: "GET",
onload: (response) => {
static async FetchIllustDataMax200(userId) {
const uel = "https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/api/user/data?id=" + userId;
const obj = Util.XmlToObj(await this.GMFetchText(uel));
const list = Array.isArray(obj.response.image_list) ? obj.response.image_list : [obj.response.image_list.image];
const illusts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
illusts[i] = {
id: list[i].id,
title: list[i].title,
view_count: list[i].view_count,
comment_count: list[i].comment_count,
clip_count: list[i].clip_count,
isSyunga: list[i].illust_type != "0"
if (illusts[i].title == null) {
illusts[i].title = "(無題)";
const illustCount = Number(obj.response.image_count);
return { illusts: illusts, count: illustCount };
static async FetchSpUserIllustDocument(userId, page, sort = "image_created") {
const uel = `https:\/\/sp.seiga.nicovideo.jp/user/illust/${userId}?page=${page}&sort=${sort}`;
return Util.HtmlToDocument(await this.GMFetchText(uel));
static GetUserIllustIds(spDocument) {
var _a, _b;
const list = spDocument.getElementsByClassName("list_item");
const ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const id = (_b = (_a = list.item(i)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.firstElementChild) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getAttribute("data-image-id");
if (id != null && id != undefined) {
return ids;
static GetUserIllustCount(spDocument) {
var _a;
const text = (_a = spDocument.getElementsByClassName("num")[0].textContent) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "0";
const match = text.match(/\d+/);
if (match == null) {
return 0;
return parseInt(match[0]);
static async FetchIllustData(ids) {
if (ids.length == 0) {
return [];
const url = `http:\/\/seiga.nicovideo.jp/api/illust/info?id_list=${ids.join()}`;
const res = await this.GMFetchText(url);
const obj = Util.XmlToObj(res);
const list = Array.isArray(obj.response.image_list) ? obj.response.image_list : [obj.response.image_list.image];
const illusts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
illusts[i] = {
id: list[i].id,
title: list[i].title,
view_count: list[i].view_count,
comment_count: list[i].comment_count,
clip_count: list[i].clip_count,
isSyunga: list[i].adult_level != "0"
if (illusts[i].title == null) {
illusts[i].title = "(無題)";
return illusts;
static async FetchUserName(userId) {
const url = "http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/api/user/info?id=" + userId;
const json = Util.XmlToObj(await this.GMFetchText(url));
return json.response.user.nickname;
static async FetchUserId(illustId) {
const url = "https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/api/illust/info?id=im" + illustId;
const resultText = await this.GMFetchText(url);
const json = Util.XmlToObj(resultText);
return json.response.image.user_id;
class Storage {
constructor(storageName) {
this.storageName = "";
this.storageName = storageName;
async GetStorageData(defaultValue) {
const text = await GM.getValue(this.storageName, null);
return text != null ? JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(text)) : defaultValue;
async SetStorageData(data) {
await GM.setValue(this.storageName, encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data)));
class Observer {
static Wait(predicate, parent = document, option = null) {
return new Promise(r => {
if (option == null) {
option = {
childList: true,
subtree: true
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mrs) => {
if (predicate(mrs)) {
mutationObserver.observe(parent, option);
static WaitAddedNode(predicate, parent, option = null) {
return new Promise(r => {
if (option == null) {
option = {
childList: true,
subtree: true
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mrs) => {
for (let node of mrs) {
node.addedNodes.forEach(added => {
if (predicate(added)) {
mutationObserver.observe(parent, option);
static async DefinitelyGetElementById(id, parent = document, option = null) {
const e = document.getElementById(id);
if (e != null) {
return e;
return this.WaitAddedNode(e => e.id != null && e.id == id, parent, option);
static async DefinitelyGetElementByClassName(className, parent = document, option = null) {
const e = document.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];
if (e != null) {
return e;
return this.WaitAddedNode(e => e.classList != null && e.classList.contains(className), parent, option);
static async DefinitelyGetElementByTagName(tagName, parent = document, option = null) {
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
const e = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0];
if (e != null) {
return e;
return this.WaitAddedNode(e => e.tagName != null && e.tagName == tagName, parent, option);
class State {
constructor() {
this.storage = new Storage(State.STORAGE_NAME);
async GetDataFromUserId(userId) {
try {
const promises = [
Fetcher.FetchSpUserIllustDocument(userId, "1")
const ress = await Promise.all(promises);
const illustCountNoSyunga = Fetcher.GetUserIllustCount(ress[2]);
return {
user: {
id: userId,
name: ress[0]
illusts: ress[1].illusts,
illustCount: ress[1].count,
illustCountNoSyunga: illustCountNoSyunga
catch (e) {
return undefined;
CacheClear() {
return this.storage.SetStorageData([]);
State.DEFAULT_ICON_URL = "https://secure-dcdn.cdn.nimg.jp/nicoaccount/usericon/defaults/blank.jpg";
State.CACHE_MAX = 10;
State.STORAGE_NAME = "ListCache";
class UserState extends State {
constructor() {
this.userId = "";
const userIdMatchs = location.href.match(/https:\/\/seiga.nicovideo.jp\/user\/illust\/(\d+)/);
if (userIdMatchs != null) {
this.userId = userIdMatchs[1];
else {
throw new Error("ユーザーIDが見つかんないや");
async IsDisappearedUser() {
const title = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByTagName("TITLE");
return title.textContent == "ニコニコ静画 (イラスト)";
HideBody() {
.then(body => {
body.style.visibility = "hidden";
ShowBody() {
.then(body => {
body.style.visibility = "visible";
async Main() {
this.cacheList = (await this.storage.GetStorageData([])).filter(IsData);
let d = this.FindData(this.cacheList);
if (d == null) {
d = await this.GetData();
if (d == undefined) {
const errorElement = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByClassName("error__messages");
errorElement.textContent = "取得を試みましたが、古すぎて削除されている可能性があります";
while (this.cacheList.length > State.CACHE_MAX) {
await this.storage.SetStorageData(this.cacheList);
this.data = d;
await this.Draw();
async ContinueData() {
await Util.Wait(3000);
while (true) {
if (this.data.illusts.length >= this.data.illustCount) {
const illustLengthNoSyunga = this.data.illusts.reduce((a, c) => {
if (c.isSyunga)
return a;
return a + 1;
}, 0);
if (illustLengthNoSyunga >= this.data.illustCountNoSyunga) {
await Util.Wait(3000);
const doc = await Fetcher.FetchSpUserIllustDocument(this.userId, (Math.floor((illustLengthNoSyunga / 30)) + 1).toString());
const ids = Fetcher.GetUserIllustIds(doc);
const illusts = await Fetcher.FetchIllustData(ids);
const befLen = this.data.illusts.length;
for (let d of illusts) {
if (!this.data.illusts.some(i => i.id == d.id)) {
const uls = document.getElementsByClassName("list_item no_trim");
for (let i = befLen; i < uls.length && i < this.data.illusts.length; i++) {
const borderText = this.data.illusts[i].isSyunga ? 'style="border: solid 1px black;"' : "";
uls[i].innerHTML = `<a href="/seiga/im${this.data.illusts[i].id}" ${borderText}> <span class="thum"><img src="https:\/\/lohas.nicoseiga.jp/thumb/${this.data.illusts[i].id}q" alt="${this.data.illusts[i].title}"></span>
<ul class="illust_info">
<li class="title">${this.data.illusts[i].title}</li>
<ul class="illust_count">
<li class="view"><span class="icon_view"></span>${this.data.illusts[i].view_count}</li>
<li class="comment"><span class="icon_comment"></span>${this.data.illusts[i].comment_count}</li>
<li class="clip"><span class="icon_clip"></span>${this.data.illusts[i].clip_count}</li>
document.getElementsByClassName("page_count")[0].innerHTML = `<strong>${this.data.illusts.length} / ${this.data.illustCount}</strong>件表示(200件以降の春画は無理)`;
await this.storage.SetStorageData(this.cacheList);
async GetData() {
const d = await this.GetDataFromUserId(this.userId);
return d;
FindData(cacheList) {
return cacheList.find(d => d.user.id == this.userId);
async ChangeTitle(user) {
const title = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByTagName("TITLE");
title.textContent = `${user.name} さんのイラスト一覧 - ニコニコ静画 (イラスト)`;
async RemoveErrorWrapper() {
const errorWrapper = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByClassName("error-wrapper");
if (errorWrapper.parentElement != null) {
async DrawCss() {
const css_all_l = `<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/illust/all_l.css?aarx9p">`;
const head = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByTagName("HEAD");
head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", css_all_l);
async DrawContent(data) {
const wrapperParent = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementById("wrapper");
let wrapperContentHtml = `
<!-- #list_head_bar -->
<section class="userlist_head_bar">
<div class="inner cfix">
<div class="inner_content">
<div class="user_info">
<div class="user_thum"><a href="https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/${data.user.id}"><img alt="${data.user.name}" src="${State.DEFAULT_ICON_URL}"></a></div>
<h1><a href="https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/${data.user.id}"><span class="nickname">${data.user.name}</span><span class="suffix">さん</span></a></h1>
<ul class="list_header_nav" id="ko_watchlist_header" data-id="${data.user.id}" data-is_active="false" data-count="${data.illusts.length}">
<li class="favorite message_target">
<div class="user_nav" data-target_id="${data.user.id}">
<li class="illust"><a href="/user/illust/${data.user.id}" class="selected"><span class="span icon_user_illust"></span>投稿イラスト</a></li>
<!-- #content -->
<div id="content" class="list" data-view_mode="user_illust">
<!-- #main -->
<div id="main">
<!-- .controll -->
<div class="controll">
<div class="sort"> 並び:<span>投稿の新しい順</span>
<ul class="pager">
<li class="prev disabled"><</li>
<li class="current_index">1</li>
<li class="next disabled">></li>
</ul> <p class="page_count"><strong>${data.illusts.length} / ${data.illustCount}</strong>件表示(200件以降の春画は無理)</p>
<!-- //.controll -->
<!-- .illust_list -->
<div class="illust_list">
<ul class="item_list autopagerize_page_element">
//<div class="sort_form">
// <div class="dummy"></div>
// <select class="reload_onchange" basepath="/user/illust/${data.user.id}" queries=""><option value="image_created" selected="selected">投稿の新しい順</option><option value="image_created_a">投稿の古い順</option><option value="comment_count">コメントの多い順</option><option value="comment_count_a">コメントの少ない順</option><option value="image_view">閲覧数の多い順</option><option value="image_view_a">閲覧数の少ない順</option></select>
for (let i = 0; i < data.illustCount; i++) {
if (i < data.illusts.length) {
const borderText = data.illusts[i].isSyunga ? 'style="border: solid 1px black;"' : "";
wrapperContentHtml += `<li class="list_item no_trim"><a href="/seiga/im${data.illusts[i].id}" ${borderText}> <span class="thum"><img src="https:\/\/lohas.nicoseiga.jp/thumb/${data.illusts[i].id}q" alt="${data.illusts[i].title}"></span>
<ul class="illust_info">
<li class="title">${data.illusts[i].title}</li>
<ul class="illust_count">
<li class="view"><span class="icon_view"></span>${data.illusts[i].view_count}</li>
<li class="comment"><span class="icon_comment"></span>${data.illusts[i].comment_count}</li>
<li class="clip"><span class="icon_clip"></span>${data.illusts[i].clip_count}</li>
</a></li> `;
else {
wrapperContentHtml += `<li class="list_item no_trim">
</li> `;
wrapperContentHtml += `</ul>
<!-- //.illust_list -->
<!-- //#main -->
<!-- //#pagetop -->
<div id="pagetop" data-target="#content.list" style="display: none; right: 50%;">
<img src="/img/common/new/module/btn_pagetop.png" alt="ページ上部へ">
Util.HtmlToChildNodes(wrapperContentHtml).forEach(node => {
async ChangePankuzu(user) {
await Observer.Wait(() => document.querySelectorAll(".active span[itemprop=title]").length >= 2, document);
document.querySelectorAll(".active span[itemprop=title]").forEach(t => {
t.innerHTML = `${user.name}<span class="pankuzu_suffix"> さんのイラスト</span>`;
Draw() {
const promises = [this.ChangeTitle(this.data.user), this.DrawCss(), this.DrawContent(this.data), this.RemoveErrorWrapper(), this.ChangePankuzu(this.data.user)];
return Promise.allSettled(promises);
class IllustState extends State {
constructor() {
this.currentIllustId = "";
const match = location.href.match(/https:\/\/seiga.nicovideo.jp\/seiga\/im(\d+)/);
if (match != null) {
this.currentIllustId = match[1];
else {
throw new Error("イラストIDが見つかんないや");
async IsDisappearedUser() {
var _a;
const test = /.+? \/ .+? さんのイラスト - ニコニコ(春画|静画 \(イラスト\))$/;
const title = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByTagName("TITLE");
return !test.test((_a = title.textContent) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "");
async Main() {
const cacheList = (await this.storage.GetStorageData([])).filter(IsData);
let d = this.FindData(cacheList);
if (d == null) {
d = await this.GetData();
if (d == undefined) {
while (cacheList.length > State.CACHE_MAX) {
await this.storage.SetStorageData(cacheList);
this.data = d;
async GetData() {
const userId = await Fetcher.FetchUserId(this.currentIllustId);
return await this.GetDataFromUserId(userId);
FindData(cacheList) {
return cacheList.find(d => d.illusts.some(i => i.id == this.currentIllustId));
async ChangeTitle(user) {
const title = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByTagName("TITLE");
if (title.textContent != null) {
title.textContent = title.textContent.replace(/- ニコニコ静画 \(イラスト\)$/, `\/ ${user.name} さんのイラスト - ニコニコ静画 \(イラスト\)`);
async DrawUser(user) {
const userLinkParent = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementById("ko_watchlist_header");
let userLinkHtml = `<ul>
<li class="user_link">
<a href="/user/illust/${user.id}">
<li class="thum"><img src="${State.DEFAULT_ICON_URL}" alt=""></li>
<li class="user_name"><span class="caption">投稿者</span><strong>${user.name}</strong>さん</li>
<li class="user_favorite message_target" style="pointer-events:none;">
while (userLinkParent.firstChild) {
Util.HtmlToChildNodes(userLinkHtml).forEach(node => {
async DrawRelated(data) {
const relatedParent = await Observer.DefinitelyGetElementByClassName("related_info_main");
let relatedSting = `<div class="related_user related_box">
<div class="user" id="ko_watchlist_info" data-id="${data.user.id}" data-status="0" data-count="${data.illusts.length}">
<ul class="cfix">
<li class="thum"><a href="/user/illust/${data.user.id}"><img src="${State.DEFAULT_ICON_URL}" alt=""></a></li>
<li class="user_name">
<a href="/user/illust/${data.user.id}"><strong>${data.user.name}</strong>さん</a>
<div class="other_illust user_illust">
<div class="illust_list">
<ul class="item_list">
let index = 0, count = 0;
while (index < data.illusts.length && count < 5) {
if (data.illusts[index].id == this.currentIllustId) {
relatedSting += `<li class="list_item_cutout middle"><a href="/seiga/im${data.illusts[index].id}" title="${data.illusts[index].title}"> <span class="thum"><img src="https:\/\/lohas.nicoseiga.jp//thumb/${data.illusts[index].id}c" alt=""></span>
<ul class="illust_info">
<li class="title">${data.illusts[index].title}</li>
<li class="user">${data.user.name}</li>
relatedSting += `
<li class="list_more_link"><a href="/user/illust/${data.user.id}">もっと見る</a></li>
const currentFirst = relatedParent.firstChild;
Util.HtmlToChildNodes(relatedSting).forEach(node => {
relatedParent.insertBefore(node, currentFirst);
async ChangePankuzu(user) {
await Observer.Wait(() => document.querySelectorAll(".active span[itemprop=title]").length >= 2, document);
document.querySelectorAll(".active span[itemprop=title]").forEach(t => {
var _a;
(_a = t.parentElement) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", `<li itemscope="" itemtype="http:\/\/data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"><a href="/user/illust/${user.id}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">${user.name}<span class="pankuzu_suffix"> さんのイラスト</span></span></a></li> `);
Draw() {
const promises = [this.ChangeTitle(this.data.user), this.DrawUser(this.data.user), this.DrawRelated(this.data), this.ChangePankuzu(this.data.user)];
return Promise.allSettled(promises);
const VERSION_STORAGE_NAME = "Version";
const seigaTest = /https:\/\/seiga.nicovideo.jp\/seiga\//;
const isIllustPage = seigaTest.test(location.href);
const state = isIllustPage ? new IllustState() : new UserState();
if (!(await state.IsDisappearedUser())) {
const versionStorage = new Storage(VERSION_STORAGE_NAME);
const storageVer = await versionStorage.GetStorageData(null);
const currentVer = "1.14518";
if (storageVer == null || storageVer != currentVer) {
console.log("current", currentVer);
console.log("strage", storageVer);
await state.CacheClear();
await versionStorage.SetStorageData(currentVer);
await state.Main();