[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer

Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.

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TypeError: Failed to fetch

This will happen until the status detail pages from Worker become active for your account.

If you still want to use the old version that works on Www, then downgrade to this version. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/18991-mturk-worker-dashboard-enhancer?version=235415

Today's Activity

This is a new section that is added to your dashboard that...

  1. Shows your projected earnings for today.
  2. Shows the total of all bonuses received today.
  3. An hidden table that can be shown which lists...
    1. What requesters you submitted work for today.
    2. How many HITs you submitted for each requester.
    3. How much you earned from each requester.

Today's Activity

HITs Overview

Changes to this section include...

  1. Shows all percents to the fourth digit.
  2. Shows your approval rate if all of your pending HITs get approved.
  3. Shows your approval rate if all of your pending HITs get rejected.
  4. Shows how many rejections it would take to bring you down to 99%.
  5. Shows how many rejections it would take to bring you down to 95%.

HIT Status

HIT Status

Changes to this section include...

  1. A total for the last 45 days worked at the top.
  2. Shows any changes in the submitted, approved, rejected, pending and earnings columns.

HIT Status