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Google: Modify a menu on Google home page

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2016-06-26

Google: Modify a menu on Google home page

I'd like to make a change to Google's home page so that instead of having 'Gmail' and 'Images' as the two text menus next to the App launcher icon, I would instead have 'Images' and 'Settings' (with the Settings text menu item being exactly the same one that's found in the footer at the bottom right-hand side of Google's home page).

I intend intend to hide the entire footer (using CSS (i.e. remove class .fbar ) so that's why I'd like the Settings menu item at the top of the screen, where it will still be available even with the footer section removed.

Here is a mockup screenshot of what I am trying to achieve.


يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2016-06-26
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2016-06-26

Wouldn't it be better to reposition Settings via pure CSS, something like #fsettl { position:relative; top:-95vh } or reposition the entire footer element to the top, which might be more robust, and hide everything else inside the footer using a :not() selector and so on?

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2016-06-27

My CSS skills are only slightly better than my JS skills (and my JS skills are totally zero, so that gives you an idea how little CSS I know).

I had already repositioned #fsettl using CSS, but after it was moved the menu item refused to function.

I had previous used a GreaseMonkey script on the old style Google web site which allowed me to completely remap and rename all of the menus on the Google home page, so that's why I thought that GM might be the way to go again.

However, if it's trivial to do this in CSS then I'll try do that Instead. I'll see if I can get some help making the script because my beginner hit and miss attempts resulted in a perfectly positioned Settings menu, but which did nothing when I clicked on it.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2016-08-02
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2016-08-02

Hi Quisquose. If relevant and not solved jet I would like to take a look on your code...
"but which did nothing when I clicked on it" -> looks like you should try work this out with jquery event handlers...

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