ao3 multishipper savior

Show only works with the specified character(s) in a (romantic/platonic/any) relationship

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This script may be used if you want to read about a particular character in a relationship without specifying any other person.
The relationships can be specified to be romantic or platonic or both.
This might also be handy to find rare pairs.

Disclaimer: This code is based on the ao3 savior script. I have permission of the creator (tuff) of said script to use their code in mine.


Add this script to your script manager. Leave it turned off if you are not actively using it.
Do not enable automatic updates. This might reset your listed characters to the examples given.

To use this properly, you need to configure the script and turn it on when searching for fics on ao3.
It doesn't matter much if you do one or the other first. I usually go to ao3 first and then decide if I need the filter this time.

Go to to the tag you want to read in. Use the inbuild filters as you normally would. Leave the tab open.
Open the ao3 multishipper savior script and specify the configuration at the top of the script:
1. characterList: list the character(s) you want to see appear in the relationship as they appear in the relationship tags.
Put the character in quotes and asterisk like this: '*Character A*'
If you want to specify multiple characters, list them with commas like this: '*Character A*', '*Character B*'
Remove any character from previous searches that might interfere with your current search.
You can leave characters that won't show up in your specific search, e.g. if they are from a different franchise with very low chances of crossovers.
Examples are given in the script.
If you only put one character, remove the commas within the bracket (but not those outside).
If you have character names formated like Name | Alternative Name, it might still work okay if you only put one of the alternatives.
There might be trouble, if a character name is contained in another, e.g. you list "Mona" and get fics with "Mona Lisa". It's on my list for future updates.
2. romantic: Set to true, if you want to include romantic ships like Character/any. If not, set to false.
3. platonic: Set to true, if you want to include platonic ships like Character & any. If not, set to false.
4. exclusive_relationship_type: Set to true, if you exclusively want to see the Character tagged in one type of relantionship (romantic or platonic).
Use with caution, it's somewhat experimental.
Maybe the otp: true option in AO3s hidden search operators cheatsheet might be closer to what you want. See
Example with romantic = true and platonic = false:
Shown works:
*your character*/A
*your character*/A and *your character*/B
*your character*/A and A & B
Hidden works:
*your character* & A
*your character*/A and *your character* & B
*your character*/A and *your character* & A
5. include_past_or_minor_ship: Set to true, if you want to see works, where the character is only tagged in Minor Relationship or Past Relationship.
This does not work perfectly because of tagging conventions.
Save the changes in the script.
Go back to the ao3 tab, enable the ao3 mutlishipper savior script and refresh.

All works that won't meet your specifications should be hidden.
Flip through the pages and see what's left.
This may lead to very few works listed on the pages or even none on some. If it's excessive, try to specify your search further with ao3 filters.

If no works are left at all even though there should be, double check your configuration of the script:
Check for typos in the character names, incorrect use of quotes or asterisk, incorrect placement of commas etc.
Check if both romantic and platonic are set to false, which will result in no works left to show
Check if both romantic and platonic are set to true in addition to exclusive_relationship_type, which might reduce results drastically