Roblox 2008-2011 theme

Makes look like it did in the golden years

< Feedback on Roblox 2008-2011 theme

Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 09.07.2022

The games page is a little broken on 100% scaling. (using a 2560x1600 monitor.) 175% is fine though.

Gönderildi: 09.07.2022


Gönderildi: 09.07.2022

It fixes itself when you use wide games/catalog, but I don't think that's accurate.

Gönderildi: 09.07.2022

my monitor is below 1080p so i was confused by what you meant
then when i went to 90% zoom it all made sense...
yeahhh thats fixed now

Gönderildi: 09.07.2022

also the most accurate size is 'small body' mode, but i wouldnt recommended actually using it like that because its so tiny

Gönderildi: 09.07.2022

I don't really mind small body mode. The size is just right for me, as I'm used to small pages like that.

Gönderildi: 09.07.2022
Düzenlendi: 09.07.2022

Oh, actually there's a bug with small body mode. The bottom, where the copyright text and stuff.. It's too small.

Gönderildi: 09.07.2022

i see you are using 2010
seems like on game page 2008 small body was broken on games page too, wow
now fixed

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