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Bypass Tüm Kısa Linkler

Tüm Kısa Linkleri Atla Siteler Can sıkıcı Link Kısaltıcıları Otomatik Olarak Atlar, Doğrudan Hedefinize

< Feedback on Bypass Tüm Kısa Linkler


Gönderildi: 12.01.2022

I have an idea how to improve the script a bit. To avoid various errors like "suspicious" and "visited links" you should add a RANDOM waiting time (1-3 seconds) before the script actually run his first function. Yesterday I've tried to finish the links which give me errors constatly with deactivated bypass - not even 1 had the error. So just an idea. Thank you!

Gönderildi: 13.01.2022

with the latest version , i don't have issues with , please let me know if you still have Problems

Gönderildi: 16.01.2022

Yeah, problem persists actually. So I solved it by using some extra plugin while Bypass is turned off for those links.

Gönderildi: 16.01.2022

Yeah, problem persists actually. So I solved it by using some extra plugin while Bypass is turned off for those links.

Can you please explain what is that plugin and the steps that you do to work.

Thanks in advanced

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