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YouTube Auto-Liker

Automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to

< Feedback on YouTube Auto-Liker

Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 02.08.2018
Düzenlendi: 24.08.2018

Only works after page reload

Exactly as described in the title. It only works here if I reload the Youtube page.

Gönderildi: 21.08.2018

I can confirm the same issue, the script will only load after refreshing the page.

Gönderildi: 22.08.2018

Hi, thank you both for letting me know. This bug should be fixed now, as of v1.2.0 (GitHub commit link). Please let me know if you find any further issues with the script.

Gönderildi: 24.08.2018

After trying it out on several youtube channels, I can confirm that the update has worked. Cheers!

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