IMDb Full Summary

Automatically show the full plot summary on IMDb

< Feedback on IMDb Full Summary

Değerlendirme: Kötü - script çalışmıyor

Gönderildi: 15.08.2017

not working anymore?

I'm on the same IMDB page, as show in the screenshots. IMDB seems to have changed something, the full summary is not shown when this script is enabled.

Gönderildi: 15.08.2017
Düzenlendi: 21.05.2020

It still works, e.g. on:

The summary is not fixed. It's selected from those submitted on the plot-summary page e.g.:

The current synopsis for that film happens to be short enough to not need truncation. As it says in the submission guide:

IMDb has the right to choose which plot summary to use.

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