SteamGifts discussions enhanced

Automatically mark read discussions, show count of new comments since last read, show if post title changed, manually mark one post or all posts of user, sort discussions

Bunlar scriptin tüm versiyonlarıdır. Versiyonların sadece değişen kodlarını göster.

  • v0.13.0 17.02.2017 Synced from GitHub - made compatible with Extended SteamGifts script's infinite scroll
  • v0.12.1 05.02.2017 Synced from GitHub - attempt to fix collision with other userscript (stalk button on user page)
  • v0.12.0 05.02.2017 Synced from GitHub - Added button to navigate to last post of discussion + added management buttons to import/export data of read discussions
  • v0.11.2 19.11.2016 Synced from GitHub - changed color of discussion action icons so they are better visible on dark background theme
  • v0.11.1 18.11.2016 Synced from GitHub - moved marking icons to the left side of discussion detail page
  • v0.11.0 13.11.2016 Synced from GitHub - added stalk button to user detail page; added stalk and mark buttons to discussion detail page; discussions functionality now works on main page too
  • v0.10.0 12.11.2016 Synced from GitHub - stalk button replaced with mark/unmark as read button + some styling improvements (ditched the ugly pink color and other...)
  • v0.9.4 31.10.2016 Synced from GitHub - modified sorting by last post date - if there is no last post (i.e. 0 comments), creation date is treated as last post date
  • v0.9.3 30.10.2016 Synced from GitHub - null value treated differently in sorting - will be always last
  • v0.9.2 10.09.2016 Synced from GitHub - pinned discussions won't be sorted and will remain on top
  • v0.9.1 03.09.2016 Synced from GitHub - fixed remembering wrong discussion name, which caused title to be pink (indicating that it changed) even if it did not
  • v0.9 22.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - minor fix - restrict sorting only to discussion list page (not detail)
  • v0.8 22.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - added sorting
  • v0.7 18.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - removed indentation of read discussions and fade effect of marked discussions + changed all styles to classes
  • v0.6 17.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - show action buttons even if we haven't read any discussions yet
  • v0.5 17.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - fixed script not working in Firefox (added dependency on jquery)
  • v0.4 16.07.2016 Imported from URL