Ikariam Core

Framework for Ikariam userscript developers.

< Feedback on Ikariam Core


Posted: 15-06-2017
Edited: 15-06-2017

All docs go to 404-page :( - (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/5574-ikariam-core)

Are them available anywhere?

Posted: 16-06-2017

Hi olih10200,

I moved my website to a new hoster, but the new server does not allow the server generated folder structures. This is why you cant see the docs. I will look into it this weekend, for now here are the links to the documentation of the most recent version:

Ikariam core developer docu: https://docu.ikascripts.de/IkariamCore/development/v2.3.3/ Ikariam core user docu: https://docu.ikascripts.de/IkariamCore/public/v2.3.3/

Best regards, Tobbe

Posted: 17-06-2017

Hi olih10200,

I added an index file which lists all versions which are available. I also updated the links in the description. So now you can follow the links in the description and then select the version you want to check.

Best regards, Tobbe

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