// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Ads Skip
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
// @match https://music.youtube.com/*
// @grant none
// @version 0.3.9
// @author CY Fung
// @description 11/12/2023, 5:16:22 AM
// @inject-into page
// @run-at document-start
// @unwrap
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
let popupState = 0;
let popupElement = null;
const rate = 1;
const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor;
const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => {
const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject };
return class PromiseExternal extends Promise {
constructor(cb = h) {
if (cb === h) {
/** @type {(value: any) => void} */
this.resolve = resolve_;
/** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */
this.reject = reject_;
const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0);
let vload = null;
const fastSeekFn = HTMLVideoElement.prototype.fastSeek || null;
const addEventListenerFn = HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener;
if (!addEventListenerFn) return;
const removeEventListenerFn = HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener;
if (!removeEventListenerFn) return;
const ytPremiumPopupSelector = 'yt-mealbar-promo-renderer.style-scope.ytd-popup-container:not([hidden])';
const DEBUG = 0;
const rand = (a, b) => a + Math.random() * (b - a);
const log = DEBUG ? console.log.bind(console) : () => 0;
const ytPremiumPopupClose = function () {
const popup = document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector);
if (popup instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(popup, '[hidden]')) return;
const cnt = insp(popup);
const btn = cnt.$ ? cnt.$['dismiss-button'] : 0;
if (btn instanceof HTMLElement && HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(btn, '[hidden]')) return;
btn && btn.click();
const clickSkip = function () {
// ytp-ad-skip-button
const isAdsContainerContainsButton = document.querySelector('.video-ads.ytp-ad-module button');
if (isAdsContainerContainsButton) {
const btnFilter = e => HTMLElement.prototype.matches.call(e, ".ytp-ad-overlay-close-button, .ytp-ad-skip-button-modern, .ytp-ad-skip-button") && !HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(e, '[hidden]');
const btns = [...document.querySelectorAll('.video-ads.ytp-ad-module button[class*="ytp-ad-"]')].filter(btnFilter);
console.log('# of ads skip btns', btns.length);
if (btns.length !== 1) return;
const btn = btns[0];
if (btn instanceof HTMLElement) {
const adsEndHandlerHolder = function (evt) {
adsEndHandler && adsEndHandler(evt);
let adsEndHandler = null;
const videoPlayingHandler = async function (evt) {
try {
if (!evt || !evt.target || !evt.isTrusted || !(evt instanceof Event)) return;
const video = evt.target;
const checkPopup = popupState === 1;
popupState = 0;
const popupElementValue = popupElement;
popupElement = null;
if (video.duration < 0.8) return;
await vload.then();
if (!video.isConnected) return;
const ytplayer = HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(video, 'ytd-player, ytmusic-player');
if (!ytplayer || !ytplayer.is) return;
const ytplayerCnt = insp(ytplayer);
const player_ = await (ytplayerCnt.player_ || ytplayer.player_ || ytplayerCnt.playerApi || ytplayer.playerApi || 0);
if (!player_) return;
if (typeof ytplayerCnt.getPlayer === 'function' && !ytplayerCnt.getPlayer()) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 40));
const playerController = await ytplayerCnt.getPlayer() || player_;
if (!video.isConnected) return;
if ('getPresentingPlayerType' in playerController && 'getDuration' in playerController) {
const ppType = await playerController.getPresentingPlayerType();
log('m02a', ppType);
if (ppType === 1 || typeof ppType !== 'number') return; // ads shall be ppType === 2
// const progressState = player_.getProgressState();
// log('m02b', progressState);
// if(!progressState) return;
// const q = progressState.duration;
// if (popupState === 1) console.debug('m05b:ytPremiumPopup', document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector))
const q = video.duration;
const ytDuration = await playerController.getDuration();
log('m02c', q, ytDuration, Math.abs(ytDuration - q));
if (q > 0.8 && ytDuration > 2.5 && Math.abs(ytDuration - q) > 1.4) {
try {
log('m02s', 'fastSeek', q);
video.muted = true;
const w = Math.round(rand(582, 637) * rate);
const sq = q - w / 1000;
adsEndHandler = null;
const expired = Date.now() + 968;
removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'ended', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'suspend', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'durationchange', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'ended', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'suspend', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'durationchange', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
adsEndHandler = async function (evt) {
adsEndHandler = null;
removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'ended', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'suspend', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'durationchange', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
if (Date.now() < expired) {
const delay = Math.round(rand(92, 117));
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, delay));
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
checkPopup && Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const currentPopup = document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector);
if (popupElementValue ? currentPopup === popupElementValue : currentPopup) {
if (fastSeekFn) fastSeekFn.call(video, sq);
else video.currentTime = sq;
} catch (e) {
} catch (e) {
document.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', async function (evt) {
try {
if (!evt || !evt.target || !evt.isTrusted || !(evt instanceof Event)) return;
const video = evt.target;
if (video.nodeName !== "VIDEO") return;
if (video.duration < 0.8) return;
if (!video.matches('.video-stream.html5-main-video')) return;
popupState = 0;
vload = new PromiseExternal();
popupElement = document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector);
removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'playing', videoPlayingHandler, { passive: true, capture: false });
addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'playing', videoPlayingHandler, { passive: true, capture: false });
popupState = 1;
let trial = 6;
await new Promise(resolve => {
let io = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
if (trial-- <= 0 || (entries && entries.length >= 1 && video.matches('ytd-player video, ytmusic-player video'))) {
io = null;
} catch (e) {
}, true);