YouTube Live Chat Tamer

(Deprecated) to maximize the performance of YouTube Live Chat Refresh

< Feedback on YouTube Live Chat Tamer

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 20-06-2023

It works like a charm, the stream plays smoother after using the script.

But Chat Box is still the most compute costuming event, and brings notable lag in popular live streams. If you want a video-like smoothness when watching streams, you can try pop out and minimize the chat box, while using something like the "Flow YouTube Chat" script to keep up with viewers.

Posted: 03-07-2023

I further found some coding issues in YouTube's scripts. I created a script to aggressively fix these issues. You can try to install and see where it works for you or not.

YouTube Super Fast Chat:

Unlike this script, YouTube Super Fast Chat changes the way it renders the chat messages, for example, disable the animation for new messages (i.e. smooth scrolling is removed)

Posted: 14-07-2023

YouTube Super Fast Chat is further updated and notable lags shall disappear.

Please check that script and give good review there if possible.

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