Greasy Fork is available in English.

Greasy Fork Enhance

Enhance your experience at Greasyfork.

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Greasy Fork

If you encounter formatting issues reading Greasy Fork's README, please visit the README on GitHub for a better experience.

🪄 Functions

  • Filter out (hides) scripts whose name matches the given regular expression, disabled when left empty (examples listed below)
    • .{30,}: Hide scripts whose name length is greater than 30
    • 网盘|网课|网购: Hide scripts containing 网盘, 网课, or 网购
    • [\uE000-\uF8FF]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\u2580-\u27BF]|\uD83E[\uDD10-\uDEFF]|\uFE0F: Hide scripts containing emojis
  • Add anchors for headers (h1~h6) at Greasyfork pages, so you can navigate easily
  • Quickly goes back to top
    • Double click white space at either sides
    • Click button at lower right corner
  • Aside panel for showing outline (Dynamic opacity)
  • Fix current tab link to make it functional as well (Including tabs at script detail page and the logo at homepage)
  • Larger file drop area
  • Copy/hide/show code support (Test link)
    • Auto hide code that has larger line number than given value
  • More recognizable tables
  • Flat layout
  • Show version number in script list
  • Advanced search syntax (Case-insensitive)
    • site:: Only display scripts for given site, e.g. query ad will navigate you to
    • type:: Search in specified type, including:
      • script: Script search (default)
      • lib, library: Library search
      • code: Code search
      • user: User search
    • lang:: Specify programming language (Only for script search)
      • js, javascript: JavaScript (default)
      • css: CSS
      • any, all: All languages
    • sort:: Specify sorting method (Only for script search)
      • rel, relevant, relevance: Sort by relevance (default when query is given)
      • day, daily, daily_install, daily_installs: Sort by daily installs (default when no query is given)
      • total, total_install, total_installs: Sort by total installs
      • score, rate, rating, ratings: Sort by rating
      • created, created_at: Sort by creation time
      • updated, updated_at: Sort by update time
      • name, title: Sort by name
  • Display alternative URLs for libraries
  • Display a short link to current script
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Ctrl+Enter inside a textarea to submit forms
    • Enter to focus on first search box / textarea
    • Escape to unfocus
  • Image proxy using
  • Customize Tab indentation size
  • Always show the notification widget

⚙️ Configuation

Config marked with * requires refreshing to take effect

  • 🔎 Filter and Search
    • Shortcut: Enable keyboard shortcuts
    • Regex filter: Use regex to filter out matching scripts
    • *Search syntax: Enable partial search syntax for Greasy Fork search bar
  • 📝 Code blocks
    • Auto hide code: Hide long code blocks by default
    • Min rows to hide: Minimum number of rows to hide
    • Tab size: Set Tab indentation size
    • Animation: Enable animation for toggling code blocks
  • 🎨 Display
    • Hide buttons: Hide floating buttons added by this script
    • Flat layout: Use flat layout for script list and descriptions
    • Show version: Show version number in script list
    • Always show notification: Always show the notification widget
  • 🔧 Other
    • Short link: Display a shortened link to current script
    • Alternative URLs for library: Show a list of alternative URLs for a given library
    • *Image proxy: Use as proxy for user-uploaded images
    • Debug: Enable debug mode