- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Youtube Speed By Channel
- // @namespace Alpe
- // @version 0.2.15
- // @description Allow to choose the default speed for specific YT channel
- // @author Alpe
- // @include https://www.youtube.com/*
- // @grant GM.setValue
- // @grant GM.getValue
- // @grant GM.deleteValue
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_getResourceText
- // @run-at document-start
- // @resource jquery https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js
- // ==/UserScript==
- (async () => {
- if (window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy){
- try {
- trustedTypes?.createPolicy?.('default', {createScriptURL: s => s, createScript: s => s, createHTML: s => s});
- } catch {}
- }
- eval(GM_getResourceText('jquery'));
- const defaults = {
- COLOR_NORMAL: "rgb(220,220,220)",
- ["50%", 0.5],
- ["75%", 0.75],
- ["Normal", 1],
- ["1.25x", 1.25],
- ["1.5x", 1.5],
- ["1.75x", 1.75],
- ["2x", 2],
- ["2.25x", 2.25],
- ["2.5x", 2.5],
- ["3x", 3],
- ["3.5x", 3.5]
- ]),
- }
- for (let name in defaults) {
- let value = defaults[name];
- window[name] = (name === "BUTTON_TEMPLATES" ? JSON.parse(await GM.getValue("_YSC-" + name,value)) : await GM.getValue("_YSC-" + name,value));
- }
- async function toggleconfig(name,e){
- e = e||!(await GM.getValue("_YSC-" + name,defaults[name]));
- GM.setValue("_YSC-" + name,e);
- alert(name + ': ' + e);
- }
- if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand == 'undefined') {
- this.GM_registerMenuCommand = (caption, commandFunc, accessKey) => {
- if (!document.body) {
- if (document.readyState === 'loading'
- && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.localName === 'html') {
- new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
- if (document.body) {
- observer.disconnect();
- GM_registerMenuCommand(caption, commandFunc, accessKey);
- }
- }).observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true});
- } else {
- console.error('GM_registerMenuCommand got no body.');
- }
- return;
- }
- let contextMenu = document.body.getAttribute('contextmenu');
- let menu = (contextMenu ? document.querySelector('menu#' + contextMenu) : null);
- if (!menu) {
- menu = document.createElement('menu');
- menu.setAttribute('id', 'gm-registered-menu');
- menu.setAttribute('type', 'context');
- document.body.appendChild(menu);
- document.body.setAttribute('contextmenu', 'gm-registered-menu');
- }
- let menuItem = document.createElement('menuitem');
- menuItem.textContent = caption;
- menuItem.addEventListener('click', commandFunc, true);
- menu.appendChild(menuItem);
- };
- }
- $.each([
- ["List current settings", async function(){
- var set = [];
- for (let name in defaults) {
- let value = defaults[name];
- set.push(name + ' = ' + await GM.getValue('_YSC-' + name,value) + (( await GM.getValue('_YSC-' + name,value)!=defaults[name])?" [default is " + defaults[name] + "]":""));
- }
- alert(set.join('\n'));
- }],
- ["Configure default speed", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("Default: " + defaults['DEFAULT_SPEED'], await GM.getValue('_YSC-DEFAULT_SPEED',DEFAULT_SPEED));
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-DEFAULT_SPEED');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- temp = parseFloat(temp);
- if (!isNaN(temp)) toggleconfig('DEFAULT_SPEED',temp);
- }],
- ["Show time relative to speed", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("Default: " + defaults['SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME'], await GM.getValue('_YSC-SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME',SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME));
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- if (temp === "true" || temp === "false") toggleconfig('SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME', (temp === "true"));
- }],
- ["Configure Color for the selected speed", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("Default: " + defaults['COLOR_SELECTED'], await GM.getValue('_YSC-COLOR_SELECTED',COLOR_SELECTED));
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-COLOR_SELECTED');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- toggleconfig('COLOR_SELECTED',temp);
- }],
- ["Configure color for unselected speed", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("Default: " + defaults['COLOR_NORMAL'], await GM.getValue('_YSC-COLOR_NORMAL',COLOR_NORMAL));
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-COLOR_NORMAL');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- toggleconfig('COLOR_NORMAL',temp);
- }],
- ["Configure Buttons", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("What buttons should be displayed.\nformat: [text,speed]\neg: [half,0.5][normal,1][double,2]", '[' + JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('_YSC-BUTTON_TEMPLATES',JSON.stringify(BUTTON_TEMPLATES))).join('],[') + ']');
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-BUTTON_TEMPLATES');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- var match = temp.match(/\[[^,]+,[^\]]+\]/g);
- if (!match){
- alert("invalid option");
- } else {
- var array = [];
- for (let i=0; i < match.length; i++){
- let match2 = match[i].match(/\[([^,]+),([^\]]+)/);
- array.push([match2[1], parseFloat(match2[2])])
- }
- toggleconfig('BUTTON_TEMPLATES',JSON.stringify(array));
- }
- }],
- ["Configure audio boost", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("Can be any number bigger than 1.\n\n1 = function disabled\n1.5 = 50% boost\n2 = 100% boost\n\n\nDefault: " + defaults['AUDIO_BOOST'], await GM.getValue('_YSC-AUDIO_BOOST',AUDIO_BOOST));
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-AUDIO_BOOST');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- temp = parseFloat(temp);
- if (!isNaN(temp) && temp >= 1){
- toggleconfig('AUDIO_BOOST',temp);
- window['AUDIO_BOOST'] = temp;
- $(temp === 1 ? 'video[vsb-audioboost]' : 'video').each(function(){
- audioboost(this, true);
- });
- }
- }],
- ["Save resume time to url", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("Can be true or false\nIf true, it updates the url every 5 seconds with &t= parameter. So if you close the browser or tab and reopen it, the video will start playing close to where you stopped it.\n\nDefault: " + defaults['SAVE_RESUME_TIME'], await GM.getValue('_YSC-SAVE_RESUME_TIME',SAVE_RESUME_TIME));
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-SAVE_RESUME_TIME');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- if (temp === "true" || temp === "false") toggleconfig('SAVE_RESUME_TIME', (temp === "true"));
- }],
- ["Show speed controls on top of the player instead of below the progress bar", async function(){
- var temp = prompt("Can be true or false\n\nDefault: " + defaults['SHOW_ON_PLAYER'], await GM.getValue('_YSC-SHOW_ON_PLAYER',SHOW_ON_PLAYER));
- if (temp === null) return;
- if (temp.length === 0){
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-SHOW_ON_PLAYER');
- alert("default restored");
- return;
- }
- if (temp === "true" || temp === "false") toggleconfig('SHOW_ON_PLAYER', (temp === "true"));
- }],
- ["Restore default",function(){
- for (let name in defaults) {
- GM.deleteValue('_YSC-' + name);
- }
- alert("Default restored");
- }]
- ], function(a,b){ GM_registerMenuCommand(b[0],b[1]); });
- var stateKey, eventKey;
- {
- let keys = {
- hidden: "visibilitychange",
- webkitHidden: "webkitvisibilitychange",
- mozHidden: "mozvisibilitychange",
- msHidden: "msvisibilitychange"
- }
- for (stateKey in keys) {
- if (stateKey in document) {
- eventKey = keys[stateKey];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- function vis (c) {
- if (c) document.addEventListener(eventKey, c);
- return !document[stateKey];
- }
- function getspeed(params = {}){
- let speed, reason;
- if (params.hasOwnProperty('force1x') && params.force1x){
- speed = 1;
- reason = "forcing 1x (live?)";
- } else if (params.hasOwnProperty('channelspeed') && typeof params.channelspeed === "number"){
- speed = params.channelspeed;
- reason = "channelspeed";
- } else if (params.hasOwnProperty('defspeed') && Number.isInteger(params.defspeed)){
- speed = params.defspeed;
- reason = "overwritten default (music?)";
- } else {
- speed = DEFAULT_SPEED;
- reason = "default";
- }
- if (params.channelspeed === undefined) delete params.channelspeed;
- if (params.defspeed === null) delete params.defspeed;
- if (params.force1x === false) delete params.force1x;
- params['chosenspeed'] = speed;
- params['chosenreason'] = reason;
- console.log(params);
- return speed;
- }
- function buttonclick(evt){
- let id = evt.target.parentNode.id.match(/\d+$/)[0],
- el = $(evt.target);
- el.parent().children(":not([title])").css("color", COLOR_NORMAL);
- el.css("color", COLOR_SELECTED);
- if ($('video[vsb-video="' + id + '"]').length === 0){
- youtubefix();
- }
- try {
- let video = $('video[vsb-video=' + id + ']')[0];
- video.playbackRate = parseFloat(el.attr('speed'));
- if (SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME || SAVE_RESUME_TIME) changetime(video);
- } catch (err){
- console.log('error on buttonclick()', evt, err);
- setTimeout(function(){ buttonclick(evt); }, 1000);
- }
- }
- function getchannelname (id, div = null){
- try {
- if (div === null) div = $('#channel-name[vsb-channel=' + id + ']');
- let channel = div.find('#container #text:visible:first').text().trim();
- if (!channel){
- channel = div.find('.ytd-channel-name').find('a').text().trim();
- }
- if (!channel){
- let metavid = document.querySelector('#watch7-content > meta[itemprop=videoId]');
- if (metavid !== null && (new URL(div.closest('ytd-watch-flexy, ytd-browse').find('video')[0].baseURI)).searchParams.get('v') === metavid.getAttribute('content')){
- let metaname = document.querySelector('#watch7-content > span[itemprop=author] > link[itemprop=name]');
- if (metaname !== null) channel = metaname.getAttribute('content');
- if (!channel) channel = '';
- }
- }
- return channel;
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("error", e);
- return '';
- }
- }
- function setchanneldefault(el){
- let id = el.target.parentNode.id.match(/\d+$/)[0];
- let channel = getchannelname(id);
- changebuttontitle(id, channel);
- let currentspeed = $('video[vsb-video=' + id + ']')[0].playbackRate;
- el = $(el.target).parent();
- el.children().css("text-decoration", "").filter('span[speed="' + currentspeed + '"]').css("text-decoration", "underline");
- GM.setValue(channel, currentspeed);
- console.log('changing default for (' + channel + ') to (' + currentspeed + ')');
- }
- function createcontainer(curspeed, id){
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- let prev_node = null;
- div.id = "vsb-container" + id;
- div.style.marginBottom = "0px";
- div.style.paddingBottom = "0px";
- div.style.float = "left";
- div.style.fontWeight = "bold";
- div.style.fontSize = "80%";
- div.innerHTML += '<span style="margin-right: 10px; color: white; cursor: pointer;" title="Set current speed as default for this channel">setdefault</span>';
- BUTTON_TEMPLATES.forEach(function(button){
- div.innerHTML += '<span style="margin-right: 10px; color: ' + (curspeed === button[1] ? COLOR_SELECTED : COLOR_NORMAL) + '; cursor: pointer;" speed="' + button[1] + '">' + button[0] + '</span>';
- });
- $('span:not([title])', div).on( "click", buttonclick);
- $('span[title]', div).on( "click", setchanneldefault);
- return div;
- }
- window.vsbid = 0;
- function getid(){
- let id = window.vsbid;
- window.vsbid++;
- return id;
- }
- function changebuttontitle(id, channelname = ''){
- let container = $('#vsb-container' + id + ' > span[title]');
- if (container.length > 0){
- container[0].title = container[0].title.split(' [')[0] + (channelname !== '' ? ' [' + channelname + ']' : '');
- }
- }
- function ob_youtube_movieplayer (mutationsList, observer){
- for(let mutation of mutationsList) {
- if (mutation.attributeName === 'video-id'){
- let el = $('[id^=vsb-container]', mutation.target);
- if (el.length === 0){
- alert('fixing');
- console.log('fixing this');
- youtube();
- el = $('[id^=vsb-container]', mutation.target);
- }
- let id = el[0].id.match(/\d+$/)[0];
- let channeldiv = $('#channel-name[vsb-channel="' + id + '"]');
- if($('span[speed="1"]', el).click().length === 0) $('video[vsb-video="' + id + '"]')[0].playbackRate = 1;
- $('span', el).css("text-decoration", "");
- changebuttontitle(id);
- setTimeout(async function(){
- let channelspeed, channelname = getchannelname(id, channeldiv);
- let tries = 1;
- while(channelname === '' && tries <= 8){
- if (tries === 1){
- alert('sleeping');
- console.log("id", id);
- console.log("channeldiv", channeldiv);
- console.log("channelname", channelname);
- }
- console.log('sleeping ' + tries, channeldiv);
- await (new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 200)));
- channelname = getchannelname(id, channeldiv);
- tries++;
- }
- if (channelname !== ''){
- channelspeed = await GM.getValue(channelname);
- } else {
- channelspeed = undefined;
- }
- changebuttontitle(id, channelname);
- $('span[speed="' + channelspeed + '"]', el).css("text-decoration", "underline");
- let speed = getspeed({
- channelname: channelname,
- channelspeed: channelspeed,
- defspeed: (channeldiv.find('.badge-style-type-verified-artist').length > 0 || channelname.match(/VEVO$/) ? 1 : null),
- force1x: (el.closest('#movie_player').find('.ytp-live').length === 1)
- });
- if($('span[speed="' + speed + '"]', el).click().length === 0) $('video[vsb-video="' + id + '"]')[0].playbackRate = speed;
- },500);
- }
- }
- }
- function ob_youtube_c4player (mutationsList, observer){
- for(let mutation of mutationsList) {
- if (mutation.attributeName === 'src' && mutation.target.src !== ''){
- let id = mutation.target.getAttribute("vsb-video");
- let channeldiv = $('#channel-name[vsb-channel="' + id + '"]');
- $('video[vsb-video="' + id + '"]')[0].playbackRate = 1;
- setTimeout(async function(){
- $('video[vsb-video="' + id + '"]')[0].playbackRate = getspeed({
- channelname: getchannelname(id, channeldiv),
- channelspeed: await GM.getValue(getchannelname(id, channeldiv)),
- defspeed: (channeldiv.find('.badge-style-type-verified-artist').length === 1 ? 1 : null)
- });
- },1000);
- }
- }
- }
- function youtubefix(){
- $('#movie_player[monitored], #c4-player[monitored]').each(
- function(){
- let video = $('video', this);
- if (video.attr('vsb-video') === undefined){
- let el = $(this);
- let id = el.attr('monitored');
- console.log('fixing', video);
- setTimeout(function(){
- audioboost(video, true);
- video.attr('vsb-video', id);
- youtubefix2('#vsb-container' + id);
- if (SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME || SAVE_RESUME_TIME) ['timeupdate','seeked', 'pause'].forEach( function(evt) { video[0].addEventListener(evt, changetime,false) });
- },750);
- } else {
- console.log('fixing2', video);
- youtubefix2('#vsb-container' + $(this).attr('monitored'));
- }
- }
- );
- }
- function youtubefix2(el, log = false){
- try {
- $('span:not([title]):visible', el).filter(function() {
- return ( this.style.color == COLOR_SELECTED );
- }).click();
- if (log) console.log('fixing3', video);
- } catch {
- if (log) console.log('fixing3 failed', video);
- }
- }
- function fancyTimeFormat(duration){
- var hrs = ~~(duration / 3600);
- var mins = ~~((duration % 3600) / 60);
- var secs = ~~duration % 60;
- var ret = "";
- if (hrs > 0) {
- ret += "" + hrs + ":" + (mins < 10 ? "0" : "");
- }
- ret += "" + mins + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" : "");
- ret += "" + secs;
- return ret;
- }
- function changetime (event){
- let video = (typeof event.target === "object" ? event.target : event);
- let id = video.getAttribute('vsb-video');
- let timediv = $('#movie_player[monitored="' + id + '"]:visible .ytp-time-display:visible');
- if (timediv.length === 0) return;
- let reltimespan = timediv[0].getElementsByClassName('vsb-reltime');
- if (reltimespan.length === 0){
- timediv[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<span class="vsb-reltime"></span>');
- reltimespan = timediv[0].getElementsByClassName('vsb-reltime');
- }
- reltimespan[0].innerHTML = (video.playbackRate === 1 || isNaN(video.duration) ? '' : '<span> (</span>' + fancyTimeFormat(video.currentTime / video.playbackRate) + ' / ' + fancyTimeFormat(video.duration / video.playbackRate) + '<span>)</span>');
- }
- const time = Math.floor(video.currentTime),
- url = new URL(location);
- if (url.pathname === "/watch" && time >= 10){
- if (typeof event.target !== "object" || event.type !== "timeupdate" || Number.isInteger(time/5)){
- url.searchParams.set('t', (time - 5) + 's');
- history.replaceState({}, document.title, url.toString())
- }
- } else if (url.searchParams.has('t')){
- url.searchParams.delete('t');
- history.replaceState({}, document.title, url.toString())
- }
- }
- }
- function audioboost(el = null, force = false){
- if (el === null || typeof el !== 'object') el = this;
- if (el.tagName !== "VIDEO") return;
- if (el.getAttribute('vsb-audioboost') === null){
- el.setAttribute('vsb-audioboost', getid());
- } else if (!force){
- return;
- }
- const audioCtx = "YTSBC_audioCtx_" + el.getAttribute('vsb-audioboost');
- try { window[audioCtx].close(); } catch {}
- if (AUDIO_BOOST === 1 && !force) return;
- window[audioCtx] = new AudioContext();
- const source = window[audioCtx].createMediaElementSource(el),
- gainNode = window[audioCtx].createGain();
- gainNode.gain.value = AUDIO_BOOST;
- source.connect(gainNode);
- if (AUDIO_BOOST > 1){
- const limiterNode = window[audioCtx].createDynamicsCompressor();
- limiterNode.threshold.value = -5.0;
- limiterNode.knee.value = 0;
- limiterNode.ratio.value = 40.0;
- limiterNode.attack.value = 0.001;
- limiterNode.release.value = 0.1;
- limiterNode.connect(window[audioCtx].destination);
- gainNode.connect(limiterNode);
- } else {
- gainNode.connect(window[audioCtx].destination);
- }
- }
- function observevideo(el){
- const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
- for(const mutation of mutationsList) {
- if (mutation.target.src === ''){
- youtubefix();
- } else {
- const id = mutation.target.getAttribute('vsb-video');
- youtubefix2('#vsb-container' + id);
- }
- }
- });
- observer.observe(el, {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['src']});
- }
- function youtube(){
- $('#movie_player:visible:not([monitored]), #c4-player:visible:not([monitored])').each(async function( index ) {
- let el = $(this);
- let speed, channelspeed;
- if (this.id === "movie_player" && !this.classList.contains('ytp-player-minimized')){
- let channeldiv = el.closest('ytd-watch-flexy').find('#upload-info #channel-name');
- if (!channeldiv.length) channeldiv = $('ytd-watch-metadata #upload-info #channel-name');
- if (!channeldiv.length) return;
- let channelname = getchannelname(-1, channeldiv);
- if (channelname === '') return;
- let appendto = (SHOW_ON_PLAYER ? el.find("div.ytp-iv-video-content") : el.find("div.ytp-right-controls"));
- if (!appendto.length) return;
- let videodiv = el.find('video')
- if (!videodiv.length) return;
- let id = getid();
- el.attr('monitored', id);
- channeldiv.attr('vsb-channel', id);
- videodiv.attr('vsb-video', id);
- videodiv.each(audioboost);
- $('#ytp-id-20 .ytp-menuitem-label:contains(Playback speed)', el).parent().css('display', 'none');
- console.log("Adding video-id observer");
- let el2 = el.closest('ytd-watch-flexy');
- if (!el2.length) el2 = $('ytd-watch-flexy:visible');
- (new MutationObserver(ob_youtube_movieplayer)).observe(el2[0], { attributes: true });
- el2 = el.find('video');
- if (!el2.length) el2 = $('video:visible');
- observevideo(el2[0]);
- channelspeed = await GM.getValue(channelname);
- speed = getspeed({
- channelname: channelname,
- channelspeed: channelspeed,
- defspeed: (channeldiv.find('.badge-style-type-verified-artist').length > 0 || channelname.match(/VEVO$/) ? 1 : null),
- force1x: (el.find('.ytp-live').length === 1)
- });
- let div = createcontainer(speed, id);
- $('span[speed="' + channelspeed + '"]', div).css("text-decoration", "underline");
- div.style.position = "absolute";
- div.style.zIndex = 10;
- div.style.textShadow = "-1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, 1px 1px 0 #000";
- }
- appendto.append(div);
- changebuttontitle(id, channelname);
- videodiv[0].playbackRate = speed;
- if (SHOW_RELATIVE_TIME || SAVE_RESUME_TIME) ['timeupdate','seeked', 'pause'].forEach( function(evt) { videodiv[0].addEventListener(evt, changetime,false) });
- } else if (this.id === "c4-player"){
- let channeldiv = el.closest('ytd-browse').find('#header #channel-name');
- if (!channeldiv.length) return;
- let channelname = getchannelname(-1, channeldiv);
- if (channelname === '') return;
- let videodiv = el.find('video')
- if (!videodiv.length) return;
- el.attr('monitored', id);
- let id = getid();
- channeldiv.attr('vsb-channel', id);
- videodiv.attr('vsb-video', id);
- videodiv.each(audioboost);
- console.log("Adding c4 observer");
- (new MutationObserver(ob_youtube_c4player)).observe(el.find('video')[0], { attributes: true, subtree: true });
- videodiv[0].playbackRate = getspeed({
- channelname: channelname,
- channelspeed: await GM.getValue(channelname),
- defspeed: (channeldiv.find('.badge-style-type-verified-artist').length === 1 ? 1 : null)
- });
- }
- });
- if (AUDIO_BOOST !== 1){
- $('video:not([vsb-audioboost])').each(audioboost);
- }
- }
- function mark_loop(){
- if (location.host.endsWith('youtube.com')){
- youtube();
- let test = document.querySelectorAll('[monitored]');
- if (test.length < 2){
- setTimeout(mark_loop, ((test.length === 0 || test[0].id !== "movie_player" ? 250 : 2000) * (vis() ? 1 : 2)));
- } else {
- console.log('stopping loop');
- }
- } else {
- setTimeout(mark_loop, 1500 * (vis() ? 1 : 4));
- }
- }
- if (AUDIO_BOOST !== 1){
- mark_loop();
- } else {
- window.addEventListener('load', mark_loop);
- }
- })();