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Additional Info not Pulling from USO

Posted: 10-03-2014
Edited: 10-03-2014

Additional Info not Pulling from USO

Hi, I just found out about this site through the latest tampermonkey development changelog. I pulled my scripts from USO but the additional info didn't pull. Is this suppose to happen? I tried to edit the additional but it says i need to update my script to do so?

Posted: 10-03-2014

It wont let me post additional info unless i change my code. I just dont get why it has to be like that? I can just copy and paste my stuff from USO but why do i have to change versions when nothing in the script is being changed?

Posted: 10-03-2014

It says my script version is the same. Im not trying to update the script im just trying to fill in additional info like my info for Monster Twitch (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/179223), I have a lot of info on that page. It kind of explains a lot of stuff as well as my changelog.

Posted: 10-03-2014

I saw there was a checkbox marked "Save anyway" so i clicked it and it worked this time. Its just a little bit weird, shouldn't those two sections be independent of each other?

Posted: 10-03-2014
OK, I'll test it out.

Thank you Jason! :)

Posted: 10-03-2014

Oh wow, could the fact that I use chrome on mac have anything to do with it?

Posted: 10-03-2014

Yes, I created and submitted through the same browser. That might be why.

Posted: 11-03-2014

@JasonBarnabe Updating the scripts source and additional info on the same page mite be confusing to some people. Is there a reason they need to stay on the same page? Just wondering.

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