Google [DEC 2020] - Hide Ad results in google search

🔊 [DEC 2020] One line script to hide Ad tedious results in google search

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Google [DEC 2020] - Hide Ad results in google search
// @description  🔊 [DEC 2020] One line script to hide Ad tedious results in google search
// @author       dany-veneno
// @icon
// @include      *://*.google*/search*
// @grant        none
// @create       2020-12-14
// @lastmodified 2020-12-15
// @version      0.5
// @compatible   firefox Tested with Tampermonkey
// @compatible   chrome Tested with Tampermonkey
// @compatible   opera Tested with Tampermonkey
// @compatible   safari Tested with Tampermonkey
// @copyright    2020, dany-veneno
// @run-at       document-end
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

document.getElementById("tvcap").style.display = "none";