Reddit Secure Delete - Only Comments More Than 7 Days Old

Securely delete your reddit posts. Now with the ability to only securely delete comments more than 7 days old. Originally by

Dessa är versionerna av skriptet där koden uppdaterades. Visa alla versioner.

  • v1.10 2016-04-19 reverting back to 1.8 version
  • v1.9 2016-04-12 grant unsafewindow
  • v1.8 2016-04-12 unsafeWindow instead of window on event listener add
  • v1.7 2016-04-07 Somehow missing semicolons? Not sure how the text got changed or maybe it is just enforcing better code with the new version of TamperMonkey
  • v1.6 2016-03-11 Same as last fix. Not sure.
  • v1.5 2016-03-11 logical error that somehow crept in on the conditional for setting the on screen labels when deleting all over X days old.
  • v1.4 2016-03-08 Added error checking for so it doesnt error out when you don't have any comments older than 7 days old.
  • v1.3 2016-03-05 Updated the Additional info description here on the website with a very important troubleshooting tip.
  • v1.2 2016-03-05 Accidentally set the days_to_go_back var to 3 instead of 7. Fixed.
  • v1.1 2016-03-03 updated the time stamp element name. It is now simply called "time" as best as I can tell.
  • v1 2016-01-26