WME BeenHere

This lets you drop orange boxes around the map to help visualize where you have been editing

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WME BeenHere Version 0.0.4

I was asked by Otto to come up with a way to help visualize areas that had been edited.

"Many of my editing and reviewing tasks in WME require focusing on one area of the map, completing it, and moving on to the next adjacent area. It’s easy to keep track of where I’ve been as long as everything can be done at the same zoom and position. But what if I need to zoom in close and pan around to inspect something or do a precision edit? What if I need to pan several screen’s worth in some direction to see the extent of a road? When I zoom or pan back, where’s my reference to the exact areas I’ve completed, and the one on which I’m currently working?" - Ottonomy

The result is a new script WME BeenHere.

WME BeenHere adds three buttons under the Waze map zoom slider (they are reused WME icons with the color black applied). New box, Remove last box, and Trash all boxes.

Usage: Each time you click the "new box button" a box is drawn around the current visible area. These boxes will stay in place on the map as you move around. Clicking "remove last box" will remove the last box drawn and clicking "trash" will delete all boxes. This is on a per tab basis and reloading the tab will clear the boxes.

This is a simple but effective way not to miss sections of the map when searching and editing.