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script request littlebigsnake game

Posted: 2020-01-17
Edited: 2020-01-17

script request littlebigsnake game


I request script for game. Snake Speed and Zoom would be great. Anything else you can think of would be helpful.

I was not able to find script tag so I am pasting what I have tried. I am novice so it didn't worked what I found from the game source page and modified 2 values.

tried below code for zoom out but didn't worked. some error related $

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(window).on('resize', function () {

    function draw() {
        var w = $(window);
        var defaultWidth = 2080;
        var defaultHeight = 1200;
        var contentScale = Math.min(/*w.width() / defaultWidth,*/ w.height() / defaultHeight) * 1;//0.8;
        $("#gamePanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#preloader").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#leafs").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#leafsDark").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#screenConnectionLost").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#screenForgot").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});

        var smartScale = Math.max(Math.min(contentScale, 1), 0.75);
        $("#mobileSignInPanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%,"+ ((1 - (contentScale*0.8 )) * 50) +"%) scale(" + (contentScale*0.8 ) + ")"});
        $("#officialSitePanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%,0%) scale(" + (smartScale) + ")"});
        $("#news").css({transform: "translate(-50%," + ((1 - smartScale) * 50) + "%) scale(" + (smartScale) + ")"});
        $("#copyrightPanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%," + ((1 - smartScale) * 50) + "%) scale(" + (smartScale) + ")"});

        var smartScale = Math.max(Math.min(contentScale, 1), 0.75);
        $("#iframe_buttons_panel").css({transform: "scale(" + smartScale + ")"});

Posted: 2020-01-19

Can anyone help on this request.

Posted: 2020-11-23

Zoom global little big snake terbaru

Posted: 2022-12-26

idea! add the unlimited gems and coins for the legendary skins!

Posted: 2024-02-02

can you please make a zoom and vip hack and unlimited coins and gems

Posted: 2024-02-17

Somebody needs to make a little big snake hack

Posted: 2024-03-24

script request littlebigsnake game


I request script for game. Snake Speed and Zoom would be great. Anything else you can think of would be helpful.

I was not able to find script tag so I am pasting what I have tried. I am novice so it didn't worked what I found from the game source page and modified 2 values.

tried below code for zoom out but didn't worked. some error related $

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(window).on('resize', function () {

    function draw() {
        var w = $(window);
        var defaultWidth = 2080;
        var defaultHeight = 1200;
        var contentScale = Math.min(/*w.width() / defaultWidth,*/ w.height() / defaultHeight) * 1;//0.8;
        $("#gamePanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#preloader").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#leafs").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#leafsDark").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#screenConnectionLost").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});
        $("#screenForgot").css({transform: "translate(-50%,-50%) scale(" + (contentScale) + ")"});

        var smartScale = Math.max(Math.min(contentScale, 1), 0.75);
        $("#mobileSignInPanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%,"+ ((1 - (contentScale*0.8 )) * 50) +"%) scale(" + (contentScale*0.8 ) + ")"});
        $("#officialSitePanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%,0%) scale(" + (smartScale) + ")"});
        $("#news").css({transform: "translate(-50%," + ((1 - smartScale) * 50) + "%) scale(" + (smartScale) + ")"});
        $("#copyrightPanel").css({transform: "translate(-50%," + ((1 - smartScale) * 50) + "%) scale(" + (smartScale) + ")"});

        var smartScale = Math.max(Math.min(contentScale, 1), 0.75);
        $("#iframe_buttons_panel").css({transform: "scale(" + smartScale + ")"});

Posted: 2024-07-04

you could try to remove all the $ symbols

la mejor bro

Posted: 2024-11-28

I made a script for little big snake although its not free since it was so hard to make... it has scroll wheel zoom TnG that you can use with PC o

Posted: 2024-11-28

I made a script for little big snake although its not free since it was so hard to make... it has scroll wheel zoom TnG that you can use with PC on mobile servers with AI autopilot it has advanced ad blocking a fps override limit unlimited duration and I'm working on auto play

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