There are libraries posted by Greasy Fork users that you can @require
in your scripts. For other kinds of libraries you can @require
, read Greasy Fork's policy on @require
加加加密 JS (Library) - 这是针对某通文字加密的代码
Grid Smartschool JS (Library) - Calculate the point total of your grades in Smartschool. This library may only be used by ChromeExtensions.
Kittymatic Job Library JS (Library) - Job Library for Kittymatic script
path-umd JS (Library) - UMD version of the nodejs path library
lib-2023-2class JS (Library) - Loving you
Amazon Photo Share Variation JS (Library) - Share Amazon product details to Telegram groups
lib2classfixed JS (Library) - 青骄第二课堂题库(长期更新)
espree-umd JS (Library) - A UMD version of espree
LighboxModern JS (Library) - Simple Lightbox
切换网站加载 JS (Library) - 加载图片
updateContent JS (Library) - Smoothly updates the content of an HTML element with an erase and write effect.
ayjsryzxxx JS (Library) - storehouse
onVisibilityChange JS (Library) - Waits until the tab is focused, executing a callback function when it happens.
visibilityChangeListener JS (Library) - Waits until the tab is focused, executing a callback function when it happens.
MooUI JS (Library) - This library allows you to quickly create a menu for your browser game (More for script.
CowJS JS (Library) - Special creation library for " ". With it, you can create scripts faster, as well as draw in it without using the game code.
xigualnzyys JS (Library) - storehouse
lib2classFix JS (Library) - 青骄第二课堂题库修复版 | 2023年版 | 同时包含期末考试与知识竞赛 | 与现有脚本格式不通用
GM_config_sync JS (Library) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
StakeUs+ JS (Library) - Stake.US plugin framework
WME-EntryPoint JS (Library) - Library for Waze Map Editor Greasy Fork scripts
test11 JS (Library) - test
lib002 JS (Library) - version 2.0
xiguacwsedu JS (Library) - storehouse
HWM_Resources1 JS (Library) - Библиотека всякой мелочевки, для совместной работы других скриптов
【test】全网VIP视频自动解析播放器(已适配手机) JS (Library) - 无需跳转新网址,打开官网直接看,超清 无广告 随机去水印。支持:腾讯,爱奇艺,优酷,哔哩哔哩,咪咕,乐视,搜狐,芒果,西瓜,PPTV,1905电影网,华数。支持解析失败自动切换推荐解析源。适配各种浏览器,酷睿i5-8300 CPU性能测试消耗仅1%。请关闭浏览器阻止第三方Cookie的功能,否则解析源会解析失败,解析源解析失败作者无力解决。
MyJSCodeLibrary JS (Library) - my JavaScript Code Library
xiguatjjy JS (Library) - test
CryptoJS- JS (Library) - CryptoJS适应油猴环境
hat-dictionary JS (Library) - hat-dictionary for
AutoSubmitTdk JS (Library) - auto submitter for tdk website
kib-key JS (Library) - Store API key
侦听网页节点变化 JS (Library) - 侦听节点变化
MyBot Parallel Connections JS (Library) - MyBot Pixel Place Parallel Connections
MyBot Compiler JS (Library) - MyBot Pixel Place Compile Client
MyBot Tools JS (Library) - MyBot Pixel Place Tools
MyBot ImageLoader JS (Library) - MyBot Pixel Place Image Loader
MyBot MapLoader JS (Library) - MyBot Pixel Place Map Loader
MyBot NewColors JS (Library) - MyBot New Colors for PixelPlace
MyBot CWSS JS (Library) - MyBot WebSocket Sniffer
MyBot JS (Library) - MyBot Library
ally JS (Library) - ali
- Packet Code JS (Library) - Packet code for
app.cf962357.js JS (Library) - 自定义js脚本
Notifier JS (Library) - 1
NH_widget JS (Library) - Widgets for user interactions.
Block Sub-Links JS (Library) - Removes all links and scripts with predefined domains on all sites.
splix-js-demodularizer JS (Library) - A vile trick that may aid you in executing your beloved scripts in the novel version of the client
NH_web JS (Library) - Common patterns for working with the WEB API.
TetteLib JS (Library) - A library containing several functions i use often in my other scripts
NH_userscript JS (Library) - Wrappers for dealing with variations in userscript managers.
Auto Refresh Page with Menuuuu JS (Library) - Automatically refresh the page every 30 seconds with menu controluuu
Faster IndexedDB Geter JS (Library) - A library that can make you do the things of IndexedDB faster.
NH_xunit JS (Library) - xUnit style testing.
PubNub JS JS (Library) - Pubnub to be used as library
statusInvestFunctions JS (Library) - Fornece funçoes de ajuda nos scripts
ElementGetter_gf JS (Library) - 这是一个异步获取元素的脚本库。不少人写脚本都碰到过元素延迟加载的问题,使用定时器获取不仅实时性不足,还有性能问题,DOMNodeInserted的性能也不好,一般都推荐MutationObserver的方案。但是MutationObserver的语法较复杂,回调函数的写法也不易于使用,因此本库将相关代码加以封装,让元素获取一步到位,方便脚本的快速开发。
obzhalovanie JS (Library) - да
@suchipi/jsxdom JS (Library) - Create DOM elements with a createElement-like jsx function
Wxxy examsafety Question Bank JS (Library) - A question bank to f**k
CacheFunctions JS (Library) - Operações de CACHE
gm_ajax JS (Library) - ajax
kiv-lib JS (Library) - Helper functions
question_txt JS (Library) - class2
YouTube Config Editor (fixed version) JS (Library) - Edits yt.config_
FloatingWindow JS (Library) - Adds FloatingWindow
dps JS (Library) - 自用阿里云依赖库
Joys JS (Library) - 自用阿里云依赖库
养铁池 JS (Library) - 养铁账号池
loader JS (Library) - 动态加载js/css资源
NH_base JS (Library) - Base library usable any time.
语料库-微博表情 JS (Library) - 微博表情语料库
语料库-阳光信用 JS (Library) - 阳光信用语料库 300条
语料库-歌词 JS (Library) - 歌词语料库
Caas-Helper JS (Library) - Caas Helper
tmvue JS (Library) - 修改的vue
Furaffinity-Custom-Pages JS (Library) - Helper Script to create Custom pages on Furaffinitiy
ajaxHooker_2 JS (Library) - ajax劫持库,支持xhr和fetch劫持。
Params Class JS (Library) - URL params utility class
AsyncUI Class JS (Library) - UI utility class
PP Bot JS (Library) - Have fun
Config_Manager JS (Library) - 设置获取配置的APIs
Undiscord3233 JS (Library) - Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM (Bulk deletion) delete
mtoast JS (Library) - toast
Persistent Storage JS (Library) - Useful library for dealing with the storage.
userscripts-core-library JS (Library) - Core library to be used on different userscripts
waitForKeyElements gist port JS (Library) - A function that waits for a specific element to load before running a specified callback. portated from this GitHub gist:
115推送工具 JS (Library) - 推送磁力或ed2k链接到115。需要当前浏览器已登录到115
Blob.js JS (Library) - 获取小红书个人信息页面数据点赞数据
qxyz JS (Library) - 111
zip解压工具 JS (Library) - 传入zip文件链接,返回其中第一个txt文件中的内容。
ytConfigHacks JS (Library) - To provide a way to hack the yt.config_ such as EXPERIMENT_FLAGS
JUMP PARTICLES JS (Library) - when ever you land on something theres an effect like when you die but you land it shows that effect
rangyInput@dkn JS (Library) - 覆盖替换式插入、在文选处前后追加式插入
spark-md5.min JS (Library) - spark-md5.min.js
英语超好 JS (Library) - 快看,有飞碟!
ElementGetter_Alone JS (Library) - 用于动态获取元素
listPending JS (Library) - 注入覆盖用
listDone JS (Library) - 注入覆盖用