ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳

ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳, 🚀stalno i neograničeno upravljanje vašim interakcijama sa ChatGPT🚀 🔄ažuriranja u realnom vremenu i vizualizacija stabla razgovora ChatGPT🔄 💡saveti za razgovore sa ChatGPT, prilagođene napomene, obeleživači💡🔍Pametna pretraga u ChatGPT: brzo lociranje specifičnih razgovora🔍 📋Panel za upravljanje interakcijama sa ChatGPT, korisnički prijatan interfejs, sveobuhvatne opcije za upravljanje interakcijama, kategorizacija, oznake i više📋

< Feedback on ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 27/09/2024

SOO GLAD it got updated Recently. CHATTREE IS AMAZING. Only shortcoming is trying to figure out what the icon mean & do. Getting to the user manual pages was a little run-about, but this is page:


Posted: 27/09/2024

Wish I could the developer a few bucks, but I can't figure-out Ali-pay to send..

Posted: 29/09/2024

SOO GLAD it got updated Recently. CHATTREE IS AMAZING. Only shortcoming is trying to figure out what the icon mean & do. Getting to the user manual pages was a little run-about, but this is page:


Hey my friend petrt3522, glad to see your comment! I understand the icons and navigation can be a bit confusing at first, and I'm sorry that the intro page has only Chinese version(since I'm so), and I'm working on updating our user manual to include an English version to make things easier for international users like you. It will be done in 2 weeks if all goes well. Before multi-language intro page is availble, I recommend you try translate it into english with translate tools such as google or chatgpt if you like.
Regarding the payment, I'm grateful for your willingness to support my work! While Ali-pay isn't accessible to everyone, I'm exploring more international payment options. To be honest, your kind words and mental support worth not less than that.🥳🥳🥳
Again, Thank You for your kind comment, and that is exactly what I want to have people like you find my script and idea useful and wonderful.

Posted: 30/09/2024

English version manual is published! Please view at:

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