InstaKill Updated V4

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Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-06-14 30 146
2024-06-15 33 126
2024-06-16 32 145
2024-06-17 51 141
2024-06-18 40 157
2024-06-19 32 138
2024-06-20 31 144
2024-06-21 35 144
2024-06-22 28 138
2024-06-23 26 121
2024-06-24 26 153
2024-06-25 19 147
2024-06-26 13 137
2024-06-27 18 136
2024-06-28 19 130
2024-06-29 25 124
2024-06-30 19 126
2024-07-01 15 135
2024-07-02 14 138
2024-07-03 24 131
2024-07-04 15 144
2024-07-05 12 128
2024-07-06 12 117
2024-07-07 21 131
2024-07-08 21 138
2024-07-09 11 141
2024-07-10 23 124
2024-07-11 16 152
2024-07-12 8 131
2024-07-13 3 44
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