IdlePixel UI Tweaks - GodofNades Fork

Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2.8.30 20/09/2024

    Code update provided by Anwin

  • v2.8.29 14/05/2024

    @Version 2.8.29

    • Small fix to solo raid function
  • v2.8.28 14/05/2024

    @Version 2.8.28

    • Added an option to start solo raids, uses the drop downs like creating a team
    • Updated the advertising timeout on the button to 30 seconds
    • Updated the advertising message to now show the Energy/FP reqs for that raid
  • v2.8.27 14/04/2024

    @Version 2.8.27

    • Fix for the weirdly condensed farming and woodcutting plots
  • v2.8.26 11/04/2024

    @Version 2.8.26

    • Small tweak to code placement of new changes to keep recursive windows from being created.
  • v2.8.24 11/04/2024

    @version 2.8.25

    • Fixed condensed farming and woodcutting patches
  • v2.8.24 09/04/2024

    @Version 2.8.24

    • Fixes the new brewing modal
    • Added in a new option (Off by default) to make the notification window a static size
      • Scroll bar if over side
      • Takes away the moving window
  • v2.8.23 08/04/2024

    @Version 3.0.13 - Slapchop

    • Fixed for Apr 07 Update

    @Version 2.8.23

    • Fixed for Apr 07 Update
  • v2.8.22 01/04/2024

    @version 2.8.22

    • Dust and their respective potions can now also be found in the applicable tabs
  • v2.8.21 01/04/2024

    @Version 2.8.21

    • Moved all of the Easter event items into the key items tab.
  • v2.8.20 01/04/2024

    @Version 2.8.20

    • Added dropdown menu item for Easter Raid
      • Difficulty doesn't matter
  • v2.8.19 28/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.19

    • Modified some of the base functions for how the Brewing/Invention/Crafting tables update
      • Should provide a better performance overall while in these panels
      • Most notably the brewing tab
  • v2.8.18 28/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.18

    • Once clicked, the advertise button will now be disabled for 3 seconds
      • Done in an effort to handle accidental double clicks.
      • This button auto sends a message to the chat when clicked.
    • Advert button will now also say how many spots are open on the team
  • v2.8.17 27/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.17

    • Corrected some issues with rocket info displaying
    • New system added for helping start raids and advertise
      • Select options from dropdowns before creating raid
      • Selections carry over to also starting the raid
      • When you click advertise, will auto copy the Drop Downs for location and difficulty along with PW and post it to chat
    • Raid members moved into a stacked layout instead of in-line text
  • v2.8.16 25/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.16

    • Implemented Zlef code for showing chat in the combat screens
      • Can be turned off via Settings, on by default
  • v2.8.15 24/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.15

    • Changed the variable for percentage in criptoe changes from const to a 'let'
      • Was causing issues for sunday -20% percentage setting
  • v2.8.14 23/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.14

    • Can now select background and text colors for raid messages
  • v2.8.13 23/03/2024

    Version number Update

  • v2.8.12 23/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.13

    • Changed the formatting of the Raid link, will now show as the 'PlayerName Raid'
  • v2.8.12 23/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.12

    • Raid Password now copied on click
  • v2.8.11 23/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.11

    • Raid UUIDs are now clickable in chat
    • Fixed an issue caused by addition of new potions
  • v2.8.10 22/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.10

    • Small tweak to the way it is handling the criptoe update for a new day if you are currently on the criptoe tab when a new day happens.
  • v2.8.9 20/03/2024

    @Version 2.8.9

    • Fix for clicking on the criptoe tab calling the apex charts, slowly causing large levels of lag from redundant listeners
  • v2.8.8 16/01/2024 Imported from URL
  • v2.8.6 26/12/2023

    @Version 2.8.6
    Fixed SD Watch Charges in oldschool layout format.

  • v2.8.5 24/12/2023

    @Version 2.8.5
    Added in the Current Payout under each wallet's amount invested

  • v2.8.4 21/12/2023

    @Version 2.8.4
    Added in some formatting and fixes for the top bar UI swap

  • v2.8.3 19/12/2023

    @Version 2.8.3
    When clicking on the "Criptoe Market" on left hand menu, it will refresh the wallet % so you no longer have to log out and back in to see it

  • v2.8.2.1 16/12/2023

    Scaled up font size from font-small to font-medium
    Also fixed cooking having a different color than the other skills

  • v2.8.2 16/12/2023

    @Version 2.8.2
    Added in a condensed version of the Left menu bars, can be turned on and off in settings, second option
    Removed duplicate entries for FP and Energy
    - FP Timer now next to base game FP numbers
    Added the server time next to the CRIPTOE MARKET button
    Purple Key notification is no longer supressing the the purple key notification

  • v2.8.1 14/12/2023
  • v2.8 14/12/2023

    @Version 2.8
    Changed the way the rocket info updates
    - No longer dependent on the bot

  • v2.7.11 08/11/2023

    @Version 2.7.11
    Possible fix for master ring missing from Invent tab even if new feature to hide crafted items is turned off

  • v2.7.10 07/11/2023

    @Version 2.7.10
    Fixed the notification for rocket info occupying the full screen

  • v2.7.9 03/11/2023

    @Version 2.7.9
    Added in the ability to hide the completed crafts in invention for Mega Shiny Glass Orbs and Master Ring
    Some re-work to the settings page for UI Tweaks

  • v2.7.7.1 30/10/2023

    Fixed submarine showing up when you send out pirate ship

  • v2.7.7 30/10/2023

    @Version 2.7.7
    Changed the format of the rocket custom message send and receive.

  • v2.7.6.3 30/10/2023
  • v2.7.6.2 25/10/2023

    Fixed the Potion/Rocket fuel info not loading when you refresh if you dont currently have a rocket flying.

  • v2.7.6.1 23/10/2023

    Small typo change.... The Merchat Ready is now Merchant Ready for the notification.

  • v2.7.6 23/10/2023

    @Version 2.7.6
    Fixed, hopefully, last few issues for basic running

  • v2.7.5 23/10/2023

    @Version 2.7.5
    This should resolve the issues with the script initializing if you didnt have market overhaul installed.

  • v2.7.4 22/10/2023

    @Version 2.7.4
    Removed a bunch of the jquery from the original code optimizing speeds more for end users.

  • v2.7.3.2 20/10/2023

    Slight change to the color scheme on purple key notification
    Changed format of monster name

  • v2.7.3.1 20/10/2023
  • v2.7.3 20/10/2023
  • v2.7.2 20/10/2023

    @version 2.7.2
    The purple key notification in the top will now show the monster/rarity/timer. The timer is set to update every 4 seconds.
    Background Colors will also change for the rarity:
    Very Rare: Red
    Rare: Orange
    Uncommon: Yellow
    Common: Green

  • v2.7.1 09/10/2023

    @Version 2.7.1
    Fixed the extended levels not displaying and worked on some optimizations with the onVariableSet

  • v2.7.0 17/08/2023

    Fixed some potential lag issues with how UI Tweaks was functioning.

  • v2.6.7 17/08/2023

Show all script versions