Zive.cz / Mobilmania.cz / AutoRevue.cz - Join chapters of paged articles

For paged articles - displays all chapters at once without need of paging, and hides paging element.

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v0.1.2 24/02/2023

    [CZ] Oprava funkcionality - skript nyní znovu ukazuje všechny kapitoly.
    [EN] Functionality fix - the script now shows all chapters again.

  • v0.1.1 11/09/2020 Přidáno autorevue.cz
  • v0.1 23/05/2020
  • v0.1 23/05/2020
  • v0.1 23/05/2020
  • v0.1 23/05/2020
  • v0.1 23/05/2020