TagPro GroPro

Enhance your group experience!

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Author's suggested script

You may also like TagPro RL Chat.

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Information can be found on This Reddit Post

What it does

It currently adds these little but usefull things to the groups page:

  • Chat notifications when on another tab/window
  • See available groups directly on the homepage & create a group with 1 click from the homepage
  • Colored names in chat (red/blue/green/white/gray) depending on the team
  • See who's ready to play (press a button to make 'ready' appear beneath your name)
  • Timestamps in the chat
  • Highlighted new & unread messages
  • Chat beeps and boops and bwleps (sounds)
  • The ability to send messages of over 120 characters. For people without the script it'll look like multiple messages. (If you try sending a long message without this script your message gets deleted)
  • Arrow up/down lets you send/edit a message that you've sent before (like in a console/terminal)
  • A Group description, can be set by the admin(s) and is shown to everyone in a box (and also sent to those without the script)
  • The chat doesn't scroll down for new messages when you are reading old messages. It'll show an arrow instead when new messages arrive.
  • The scripts settings can be changed from the homepage, no need for chaning trues to falses anymore
  • Maybe a small thing or two that I forgot about

You can enable/disable these options on the homepage or on the scoreboard.



I'm now working on a version 2, which will add:

  • Everyone can vote for a map to play
  • The leader has the ability to appoint 'admins' which can edit the group settings/move players around etc.
  • The old chats are still visible after refreshing, or after playing a game
  • A player whitelist/blacklist
  • Setting presets (just like 'competitive-settings', but custom)
  • Probably more things from this list of random ideas on GitHub
  • If you have any suggestions, let me know!