// ==UserScript==
// @name Image download helper
// @namespace https://github.com/glubsy/userscripts
// @version 0.09
// @description add keyboard shortcuts to open and download image files quicker
// @author glubsy
// @license GPLv2
// @compatible chrome Chrome_59.0.3071.109 + TamperMonkey
// @match *
// @include /^https?://.*tumblr.*/
// @include /^https?://.*imgur.*/
// @include /^https?://.*mixtape.*/
// @include /^https?://.*uploadir.*/
// @copyright Fuck copyrights
//// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_download
//// @grant GM_addStyle
// @run-at document-idle
//// @noframes
//jshint multistr: true
//esversion: 6
// ==/UserScript==
//TODO: -maybe implement a better save-as system? ie https://gist.github.com/derjanb/4431f674124ef1b11e30
// -clean up
document.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", DOM_ContentReady);
var modkey_pressed = false, pointed_obj, pointed_div;
var img_links, img_links_iframe, class_links, currentLink, divs_links;
var photo_cover_class_links, photo_cover_ishref = "false";
function DOM_ContentReady () { gatherImages(); }
function gatherImages(){
let myimages = window.document.images;
for (let i=0; i <= myimages.length; i++){
if (myimages[i] === undefined) { continue; }
if (myimages[i].src.indexOf("avatar") > 0) { continue; }
myimages[i].onmouseenter = function (){ updateLink(this.src); pointed_obj = this; };
myimages[i].onmouseout = function (){ updateLink(undefined); pointed_obj = undefined; };
console.log("gatherImages: " + myimages[i].src);
img_links = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
class_links = document.getElementsByClassName('photoset_photo');
a_links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
divs_links = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
photo_cover_class_links = document.getElementsByClassName('photo-cover'); //a tumblr theme's specific case
// Just testing this, in case is becomes useful eventually:
var IMGmatches = [], IMGelems = document.getElementsByTagName("img"),
iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'), l = IMGelems.length,
m = iframes.length, i, j;
for( let i=0; i<l; i++) IMGmatches[i] = IMGelems[i];
for( let j=0; j<m; j++) {
IMGelems = iframes[j].contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("img");
l = IMGelems.length;
for( i=0; i<l; i++) IMGmatches.push(IMGelems[i]);
//console.log("IMGelems: " + IMGmatches + IMGelems);
function get_iframes_id(){
var frames = window.frames;
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
console.log("frames.length: " + frames.length);
console.log("frames[" + i + "] :" + frames[i].class);
$('.photoset').each(function(){ //.photoset works?
var src = $(this).attr("src"); //photoset_number
if ( src === undefined ) { return; }
var iframe_numb = "photoset_iframe_" + src.replace(/\/post\/(\d+)\/photoset_iframe.*/, '$1');
//console.log("get_iframes_id() found iframe:" + iframe_numb);
var iframe = document.getElementById(iframe_numb);
var innerDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; //TODO: fix the error on cross-origin iframes
//console.log("get_iframes_id(): iframe innerdoc: " + iframe + " " + innerDoc);
/*TESTING deferring after fully loaded iframes
if (iframe.addEventListener)
iframe.addEventListener("load", function(){ console.log("TESTLOADED");}, false);
iframe.attachEvent("onload", function(){ console.log("TESTLOADEDELSE");});
iframe.addEventListener("load", function() {
console.log("get_iframes_id(): LOADED iFRAME!");
/*iframe.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){ //not needed apparently
if( event.keyCode==87 && event.shiftKey ) {
modkey_pressed = true;
console.log("%c get_iframes_id(): Key currentLink:" + currentLink, 'background: #222; color: #bb55cc' );
img_links_iframe = innerDoc.getElementsByTagName('img'); // or img_links_iframe = innerDoc.links; ??
a_links_iframe = innerDoc.getElementsByTagName('a');
//console.log("get_iframes_id(): img_links_iframe: " + img_links_iframe.length);
for(let i =0; i < img_links_iframe.length; i++){
img_links_iframe[i].onmousemove = function (){ updateLink(this.src); pointed_obj = this; };
console.log("get_iframes_id(): img_links_iframes[" + i + "]: " + img_links_iframe[i].src);
for(let j =0; j < a_links_iframe.length; i++){
a_links_iframe[j].onmousemove = function (){ updateLink(this.href); pointed_obj = this; };
console.log("get_iframes_id(): a_links_iframes[" + j + "]: " + a_links_iframe[j].href);
function updateLink(arg) {
//console.log("%c BEFORE updateLink :" + currentLink,'background: #222; color: #ccaa99');
currentLink = arg;
console.log("%c AFTER updateLink :" + currentLink ,'background: #222; color: #bada99');
function downloadThis(thelink) {
if( !modkey_pressed ) {
//GM_openInTab( currentLink );
//console.log("%c Downloading currentlink :" + currentLink, 'background: #222; color: #bada55' );
checkSize(0, thelink);
//console.log("%c new_url :" + new_url, 'background: #222; color: #f46b42');
if ( new_url.indexOf("NOLINK!") > -1) { return; }
var filename = new_url.substring(new_url.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
GM_download({url: new_url, name: filename, saveAs: true});
if ( window.location.href.substring("imgur") > -1) {
else { fadeImg(pointed_obj); }
function openThisInTab(thelink) { //requires Tumblr Image Size script for best results
//console.log("openThisInTab(): " + thelink);
if( !modkey_pressed || thelink === undefined ) { return; }
let cleanedLink = cleanRedirectURL( thelink );
console.log("cleanedlink: " + cleanedLink);
GM_openInTab( cleanedLink );
if ( window.location.href.substring("imgur") > -1) { //fade div
fadeImg(pointed_div, 0.6);
else { fadeImg(pointed_obj, 0.6); }
function cleanRedirectURL(crapLink){ //clean stupid tumblr redirect analytics
crapLink = crapLink.replace(/(.*redirect.*)(http.*)&t=.*/, '$2');
return translateHTMLCodes(crapLink);
function translateHTMLCodes(mystring){
return mystring.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, "\"").replace(/%3A/g, ":").replace(/%2F/g, "/");
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){
if( event.keyCode==87 && event.shiftKey) {
modkey_pressed = true;
else if (event.altKey){
modkey_pressed = true;
console.log("%c Key currentLink :" + currentLink, 'background: #222; color: #bb55cc' );
document.addEventListener("keyup", function(event){
//if( event.keyCode==87 && event.shiftKey) {
// modkey_pressed = false;
if (event.keycode!==0) {
modkey_pressed = false;
currentLink = undefined;
//console.log("ctrl_pressed is:" + modkey_pressed);
document.addEventListener("keypress", onKeyPress);
function onKeyPress(event){
if( event.keyCode!=87 && !event.shiftKey ) {
modkey_pressed = false;
document.addEventListener("mousemove",function(event){ //or "mousemove" or "mouseover" or mouseenter
if( event.keyCode!=87 && !event.shiftKey ) {
function getPhotoCoverLinks(){
for(let i =0; i < photo_cover_class_links.length; i++){
if (photo_cover_ishref == "false" ) { return; } //if a link to an external imgur is not there, skip it, don't add the extra original image above
//console.log("photo_cover_class_links[" + i + "] :" + photo_cover_class_links[i].style.backgroundImage); //getting link from the css style, not ideal
let myimg = photo_cover_class_links[i].style.backgroundImage;
myimg = myimg.substring(4, myimg.length-1);
myimg = myimg.replace(/(.*)(?=_)(_\d+)(.*)/, '$1' + '_500' + '$3');
let myimghref = '<img src=' + myimg + '>'; //inserting extra original tumblr thumbnail above actual post
photo_cover_class_links[i].innerHTML = photo_cover_class_links[i].innerHTML + myimghref;
photo_cover_class_links[i].outerHTML+=myimghref; // add it to the div
//console.log("innerHTML on : " + photo_cover_class_links[i] + "with :" + myimghref);
function checkForClickThroughCase(){
for(let i =0; i < a_links.length; i++){
if (a_links[i].className == 'click-through-picture') {
/*console.log("click-through detected for :" + a_links[i]);*/
if (a_links[i].href.indexOf("redirect") > 0 || a_links[i].href.indexOf("tumblr") < 0 ) {
photo_cover_ishref = "true";
function monitorLinks(){
for(let i =0; i < img_links.length; i++){
img_links[i].onmouseenter = function(){
//console.log("monitorLinks(): img_links[" + i + "]: updateLink with: " + this.src);
pointed_obj = this;
for(let i =0; i < divs_links.length; i++){
divs_links[i].onmouseenter = function(){
//console.log("monitorLinks(): divs_links[" + i + "]: updateLink with: " + this);
pointed_div = this;
pointed_obj = this;
for(let i =0; i < a_links.length; i++){
a_links[i].onmouseenter = function(){
//console.log("monitorLinks(): a_links[" + i + "]: updateLink with: " + this.href);
pointed_div = this;
function fadeImg(img, f_Opacity = 0.4){
//console.log("fadeImg(): " + img);
img.style.opacity = f_Opacity;
// Tumblr/imgur specific checks
var sizes = [ '_raw.', '_1280.' ];
var new_url;
function checkSize(index, url) {
if (url === undefined) { console.log("checkSize(): arg was undefined."); new_url = "NOLINK!"; return; }
if (url.indexOf("tumblr") > -1) {
if(url.indexOf("avatar") > -1) { new_url = url ; return; }
if (index >= sizes.length) return;
new_url = url.replace(/(https?:\/\/)?\d+\.(.*(?=_))(_\d*.)(.*)/, '$1' + '$2' + sizes[index] + '$4');
if (new_url == url) return;
url: new_url,
type: 'HEAD',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
//console.log("New url is:" + new_url);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
checkSize(index + 1);
else if (url.indexOf("imgur.com") > -1) {
new_url = url.replace(/(https?:\/\/.*)&t.*/, '$1'); //remove imgur junk
new_url = new_url.replace(/(https?:\/\/.*)g(\..*)/, '$1' + '$2' ); //don't fetch thumbnail
//console.log("imgur new link: " + new_url);
else { new_url = url; return; }