Howrse BannerAd Border Removal JS - Removes the border for the Banner Ad on Howrse.
HowrseSireDamLinks JS - Adds links to the sire and dam of the horse you are looking at that go to the page you can see, if you own that horse. Howrse will redirect it to the public page if you don't.
HowrseHorseImageSwap-Frieisan JS - Swaps the Friesian V4 default coat for the V3 default coat
Howrse Swap all v4 >> v3 Default Coats JS - Swaps all of the v4 default coats for the v3 default coats
Howrse Reserve EC Boxes Simplified JS - Simplifies reserving EC boxes on Howrse to yourself or unreserving them.
Howrse_Swap_Select_v4_v3_Default_Coats JS - Swaps the user's selected choice(s) of the v4 default coats for the v3 default coats
Howrse Foal's GP Calculator JS - Calculates the foals potential GP stats on the mare's covering confirmation page, and displays it at the bottom below the confirmation button.
Howrse buy50 JS - Change the first option on the droppings buy menu to 50 instead of 1.
Howrse Exact Energy JS - Displays the horses exact energy, not the approximate energy. Requires a page refresh to update the energy listed on the page.
Howrse Foal Games JS - Foal games for Howrse in script form.
Howrse Pack JS - Collection of small scripts into one script