Torn - Cash Travel Restrictions JS - Disables travel for individual countries if you do not have enough to purchase plushies/flowers, whichever costs more in case stock of out of your preferred item. Edit capacity or cash requirements if needed. 500k for Switzerland. Standard travel costs not included. Includes a $ button to toggle the script beside the Travel Agency title. Green $ means enabled.
Torn - Starter Job Upgrade Notice JS - Checks job points and work stats with an API request (minimal access key will be asked for on Torn, not in the script) at 6:30pm TCT (or later) to see if you are able to upgrade to the next position, and display a message at the top of the page. Change showFalseMessage to true if you would like it to let you know what you're missing. Click the fetch new data button once you upgrade your position to remove the notice.
lugburz' Torn Scripts library JS (Knižnica) - Imported to Greasy Fork for a privated TornPDA edit of the racing enhancement script