Fade In and Out

Adds fade out effect when the page is unloaded

< Spätná väzba na Fade In and Out

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 31.03.2014
Upravený: 31.03.2014

As mentioned in other threads, great script!

I cannot rate it unless I create a new thread so ... well ... here I am.
Love it!

Pridaný: 01.04.2014
Upravený: 03.04.2014

Thanks @mikedl

It's originally from this thread
You had cameo appearance there :D

You can modify the script and change it, for example, like this

GM_addStyle("@keyframes slideInRight {\
  from {\
    transform: translateX(2000px);\
  to {\
    transform: translateX(0);\
@keyframes slideOutLeft {\
  from {\
    transform: translateX(0);\
  to {\
    transform: translateX(-2000px);\
html {\
  animation-name: slideInRight;\
  animation-duration: 1s;\
.kthxbye {\
  animation-name: slideOutLeft;\
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;\

addEventListener("beforeunload", function() {

More cool CSS animations

Pridaný: 02.04.2014

LouCypher, LOL! That's way too cool! Nice!

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