
Tento skript by nemal byť nainštalovaný priamo. Je to knižnica pre ďalšie skripty, ktorú by mali používať cez meta príkaz // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/502047/1418675/AP%20BYPASS.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name        AP BYPASS
// @namespace   silent
// @match        *://loot-link.com/s?*
// @match        *://loot-links.com/s?*
// @match        *://lootlink.org/s?*
// @match        *://lootlinks.co/s?*
// @match        *://lootdest.info/s?*
// @match        *://lootdest.org/s?*
// @match        *://lootdest.com/s?*
// @match        *://links-loot.com/s?*
// @match        *://linksloot.net/s?*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0
// @author      SilentDev
// @description best
// @license     MIT
// @run-at      document-start
// @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/487969/LootDestLoot-Link%20%28Lootlabs%29%20Bypass.user.js
// ==/UserScript==

// URL decoder (due to their encryption)
function decodeURI(encodedString, prefixLength = 5) {
	let decodedString = '';
	const base64Decoded = atob(encodedString);
	const prefix = base64Decoded.substring(0, prefixLength);
	const encodedPortion = base64Decoded.substring(prefixLength);

	for (let i = 0; i < encodedPortion.length; i++) {
		const encodedChar = encodedPortion.charCodeAt(i);
		const prefixChar = prefix.charCodeAt(i % prefix.length);
		const decodedChar = encodedChar ^ prefixChar;
		decodedString += String.fromCharCode(decodedChar);

	return decodedString;

// We'll use this to detect their typical Unlock Content square and replace it with a custom one
(function() {
	'use strict';

	const waitForElementAndModifyParent = () => {
		// Function to modify the parent element
		const modifyParentElement = (targetElement) => {
			const parentElement = targetElement.parentElement;

			if (parentElement) {
				// This assumes our task loaded, we'll then check for what type of task as they all have minimum wait times.
				const images = document.querySelectorAll('img');
				let countdownSeconds = 60;

				for (let img of images) {
					if (img.src.includes('eye.png')) {
						countdownSeconds = 13;
					} else if (img.src.includes('bell.png')) {
						countdownSeconds = 30;
					} else if (img.src.includes('apps.png') || img.src.includes('fire.png')) {
						countdownSeconds = 60;
					} else if (img.src.includes('gamers.png')) {
						countdownSeconds = 90;

				// Clear parent element's content
				parentElement.innerHTML = '';

				const popupHTML = `
                <div id="tm-overlay" style="position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.75); z-index:999999; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center;">
                      <div id="tm-popup" style="padding:40px; background:#fff; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); z-index:1000000;">
                          <div style="margin-bottom:20px;"><h1>Bypassing.</h1><h2>Best bypass made by silentdev..</h2></div>
                          <div class="wheel-and-hamster" role="img" aria-label="Orange and tan hamster running in a metal wheel">
                            <div class="wheel"></div>
                            <div class="hamster"><div class="hamster__body"><div class="hamster__head"><div class="hamster__ear"></div><div class="hamster__eye"></div><div class="hamster__nose"></div></div><div class="hamster__limb hamster__limb--fr"></div><div class="hamster__limb hamster__limb--fl"></div><div class="hamster__limb hamster__limb--br"></div><div class="hamster__limb hamster__limb--bl"></div><div class="hamster__tail"></div></div></div>
                            <div class="spoke"></div>
                          <div id="countdown" style="margin-bottom:20px;"><h4>(Estimated ${countdownSeconds} seconds remaining..)</h4></div>
                          <div id="countdown" style="margin-bottom:20px;"><h4>(Join the discord! .gg/UAJjzcmtWT)</h4></div>

				// Function to update the countdown every second
				const startCountdown = (duration) => {
					let remaining = duration;
					const countdownTimer = setInterval(() => {
						document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = `(Estimated ${remaining} seconds remaining..)`;
						if (remaining <= 0) clearInterval(countdownTimer);
					}, 1000);

				// Insert HTML and CSS
				parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', popupHTML);

				// Start the countdown

				const style = document.createElement('style');
				style.type = 'text/css';
				style.innerHTML = spinnerCSS;

    localStorage.clear();for(let i=0;i<100;i++)if(54!==i){var e,$="t_"+i,t={value:1,expiry:new Date().getTime()+6048e5};localStorage.setItem($,JSON.stringify(t))}

		// Use MutationObserver to watch for changes in the document
		const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
			for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
				if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
					const foundElement = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('body *')).find(element => element.textContent.includes("UNLOCK CONTENT"));
					if (foundElement) {
						observer.disconnect(); // Stop observing after the element is found and modified

		observer.observe(document.body, {
			childList: true,
			subtree: true

	// Check if the DOM is fully loaded
	if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
		document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', waitForElementAndModifyParent);
	} else {
		waitForElementAndModifyParent(); // DOM is already fully loaded

// Hook fetch to intercept the data we need
(function() {
	const originalFetch = window.fetch;
	window.fetch = function(url, config) {
		// We're looking for their URL that gives us the data we need.
		if (url.includes(`${INCENTIVE_SYNCER_DOMAIN}/tc`)) {
			return originalFetch(url, config).then(response => {
				if (!response.ok) return JSON.stringify(response);

				return response.clone().json().then(data => {
					let urid = "";
					let task_id = "";
					let action_pixel_url = "";

					// Parse through the data for what we need
					data.forEach(item => {
						urid = item.urid;
						task_id = 54;
						action_pixel_url = item.action_pixel_url;

					// We'll now quickly create our own socket to intercept their messages
					const ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${urid.substr(-5) % 3}.${INCENTIVE_SERVER_DOMAIN}/c?uid=${urid}&cat=${task_id}&key=${KEY}`);

					ws.onopen = () => setInterval(() => ws.send('0'), 1000);

					// We're looking for a message returned with the real publishing link
					ws.onmessage = event => {
						if (event.data.includes('r:')) {
							PUBLISHER_LINK = event.data.replace('r:', '');

					// Send post for fake task click to sync server
					navigator.sendBeacon(`https://${urid.substr(-5) % 3}.${INCENTIVE_SERVER_DOMAIN}/st?uid=${urid}&cat=${task_id}`);

					// Send pixel tracker request (to make it look like we hit their page)

					// Send fake complete task to sync server

					// Once the socket is closed we'll assume we have the real socket link from the onmessage func.
					ws.onclose = () => window.location.href = decodeURIComponent(decodeURI(PUBLISHER_LINK));

					return new Response(JSON.stringify(data), {
						status: response.status,
						statusText: response.statusText,
						headers: response.headers

		// If it doesn't match our URL then we return the original fetch request
		return originalFetch(url, config);