Auto Click "I'm not a robot"

Automatically clicks the "I'm not a robot" checkbox on reCaptcha V2, reCaptcha V2 callback, reCaptcha V2 Enterprise, and hCaptcha captchas

< Spätná väzba na Auto Click "I'm not a robot"

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 08.08.2024

it's seems script looping to works

Chrome stable, violentmonkey

Pridaný: 14.08.2024

I'm curious, when you disable my script, does the Cloudflare challenge resolve on its own? It does for me. I've conducted tests across different browsers, without any extensions, and the challenge still resolves automatically, even when disabled. If you're encountering the same issue, I may need to remove my implementation to avoid any conflicts.

Pridaný: 14.08.2024

disabled script, there is no cloudflare challenge has been show

Pridaný: 15.08.2024

This is what I mean: the Cloudflare Challenge is being completed automatically in the demo and on other pages. I want to know if those who use my script are experiencing the same behavior, so I can remove it and only leave the functionality for the other captchas.

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