Greasy Fork is available in English.

Add Text to Search Field in ADO and jump to lines with specific keywords. Untick pipeline stages.

Adds text to the search field on Azure DevOps pages

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Add Text to Search Field in ADO and jump to lines with specific keywords. Untick pipeline stages.
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Adds text to the search field on Azure DevOps pages
// @author       chaoscreater
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Function to click on the search button and add text to the search field
    function addTextToSearchField() {
        const searchButton = document.querySelector('button#__bolt-log-search');
        if (searchButton) {
  ; // Click on the search button
            // Wait for a short delay to ensure the search field is fully populated
            setTimeout(() => {
                const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');

                if (searchField) {
                  // set the input value using the native setter - see
                  const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
                  //, 'Plan:');
        , 'Terraform will perform the following actions:');
                  // searchField.value = 'Plan::';

                  // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
                  searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
            }, 1000); // Adjust delay time as needed

    // Add text to the search field when the page is fully loaded
    window.addEventListener('load', addTextToSearchField);

// v1
(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Function to click on the search button and add text to the search field
    function addTextToSearchField() {
        const searchButton = document.querySelector('button#__bolt-log-search');
        if (searchButton) {
  ; // Click on the search button
            // Wait for a short delay to ensure the search field is fully populated
            setTimeout(() => {
                const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');

                if (searchField) {
                    // set the input value using the native setter - see
                    const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
          , 'Terraform will perform the following actions:');

                    // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
                    searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
            }, 1000); // Adjust delay time as needed

    // Add text to the search field when the page is fully loaded
    window.addEventListener('load', addTextToSearchField);

    // Function to expand the search button
    function expandSearchButton() {
        const searchButton = document.querySelector('button[data-is-focusable="true"][aria-label="Search phrases"]');
        if (searchButton) {

          setTimeout(() => {
  ; // Click on the search button to expand it
          }, 1200);

    // Call the function to expand the search button when the page is fully loaded
    window.addEventListener('load', expandSearchButton);

    // Function to handle button click event
    function Terraform_action_start_handleButtonClick() {
        const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');
        if (searchField) {
            searchField.focus(); // Focus on the search field
            const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
  , 'Terraform will perform the following actions:');

            // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
            searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

            //searchField.value = 'Terraform will perform the following actions:'; // Add the desired text
            //searchField.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {key: 'Enter'})); // Simulate pressing Enter


    // Function to handle button click event
    function Terraform_plan_line_handleButtonClick() {
        const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');
        if (searchField) {
            searchField.focus(); // Focus on the search field
            const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
  , 'Plan:');

            // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
            searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

            //searchField.value = 'Terraform will perform the following actions:'; // Add the desired text
            //searchField.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {key: 'Enter'})); // Simulate pressing Enter


    // Function to handle button click event
    function Terraform_plan_no_changes_line_handleButtonClick() {
        const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');
        if (searchField) {
            searchField.focus(); // Focus on the search field
            const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
  , 'No changes.');

            // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
            searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

            //searchField.value = 'Terraform will perform the following actions:'; // Add the desired text
            //searchField.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {key: 'Enter'})); // Simulate pressing Enter


    // Create and append the button with CSS styling
    const button = document.createElement('button');
    button.textContent = 'Jump to Terraform action start'; = 'fixed'; = '80px'; // Adjusted top position = '900px'; = '9999'; = 'green'; // Background color set to green
    button.addEventListener('click', Terraform_action_start_handleButtonClick);

    // Create and append the button with CSS styling
    const button2 = document.createElement('button');
    button2.textContent = 'Jump to Plan line'; = 'fixed'; = '80px'; // Adjusted top position = '1120px'; = '9999'; = 'orange'; // Background color set to green
    button2.addEventListener('click', Terraform_plan_line_handleButtonClick);

    // Create and append the button with CSS styling
    const button3 = document.createElement('button');
    button3.textContent = 'Jump to No Changes'; = 'fixed'; = '80px'; // Adjusted top position = '1250px'; = '9999'; = 'orange'; // Background color set to green
    button3.addEventListener('click', Terraform_plan_no_changes_line_handleButtonClick);


// v2

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Function to expand the menu
    function expandMenu() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // Find the expand button
            // console.log("Rickscript - First Table start...");

            var expandButton = document.querySelector('.bolt-tree-expand-button');

            // Check if the button is found and it is in the collapsed state
            if (expandButton && expandButton.classList.contains('ms-Icon--ChevronRightMed')) {
                // Click on the button to expand the menu
                resolve(); // Resolve the promise once the button is clicked
            } else {
                reject(new Error("Button not found or already expanded")); // Reject if the button is not found or already expanded

      // Function to expand the second table
    function expandSecondTable() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // Find the second table
        var secondTable = document.querySelectorAll('.bolt-table-container')[1];

        // console.log("Rickscript - Second Table start...");

        //console.log("Rickscript - Second Table:", secondTable);

        // Find the tbody of the second table
        var tbody = secondTable.querySelector('tbody.relative[hidden]');

        //console.log("Rickscript - TBody:", tbody);

        // Check if the tbody is found
        if (tbody) {
            // Remove the 'hidden' attribute to expand the table

        //console.log("Rickscript - Deploy Section - 1");

        // Find all span elements inside the second table
        var spans = secondTable.querySelectorAll('span');

        // Iterate over the span elements to find the one containing "Deploy"
        spans.forEach(function(span) {
            if (span.textContent.trim() === "Deploy") {
                var deploySection = span;
                //console.log("Rickscript - Deploy Section - 2:", deploySection);

                // Check if the "Deploy" section is collapsed
                var isCollapsed = deploySection.closest('tr').getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'false';

                //console.log("Rickscript - IsCollapsed:", isCollapsed);

                // If collapsed, simulate a click event to expand the "Deploy" section
                if (isCollapsed) {
                    //console.log("Rickscript - Clicked to expand 'Deploy' section.");
                } else {
                    //console.log("Rickscript - The 'Deploy' section is already expanded.");

        if (!deploySection) {
            //console.log("Rickscript - Couldn't find the 'Deploy' section.");

    if (window.location.href.startsWith('') && window.location.href.includes('view=logs'))

      // Call the expandMenu function when the page is fully loaded
      // window.addEventListener('load', expandMenu);

        window.addEventListener('load', function() {
                .then(() => {
                    // Code to execute after expanding the menu
                    // console.log("Rickscript xxxxx --- First menu expanded successfully!");
                    // Put the rest of your code here
                .catch(error => {
                    // Handle errors if the button is not found or already expanded
                    // console.error("Rickscript xxxxx --- Error expanding first menu:", error.message);

      // Call the expandSecondTable function when the page is fully loaded
      window.addEventListener('load', function() {
              .then(() => {
                  // Code to execute after expanding the menu
                  // console.log("Rickscript xxxxx --- Second expanded successfully!");
                  // Put the rest of your code here
              .catch(error => {
                  // Handle errors if the button is not found or already expanded
                  // console.error("Rickscript xxxxx --- Error expanding second menu:", error.message);

      // Find the Plan button
      var blahButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.bolt-link');

      if (blahButtons.length > 0) {

          // console.log('Rickscript --- expandMenu');

          // Iterate over each button to find the one with the text 'Plan'
              blahButtons.forEach(function(button) {
                if (button.textContent.trim() === 'Apply') {
                    // console.log('Rickscript --- Apply button found!');
                else if (button.textContent.trim() === 'Plan') {
                    // console.log('Rickscript --- Plan button found!');
      } else {
          // console.error('Plan/Apply button not found.');


    // Function to add text to the search field
    function addTextToSearchField() {
        const searchButton = document.querySelector('button#__bolt-log-search');
        if (searchButton) {
  ; // Click on the search button
            // Wait for a short delay to ensure the search field is fully populated
            setTimeout(() => {
                const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');

                if (searchField) {
                    // set the input value using the native setter
                    const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
          , 'Terraform will perform the following actions:');

                    // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
                    searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
            }, 1000); // Adjust delay time as needed

    // Function to append the buttons with CSS styling
    function appendButtons() {
        const button = createButton('Jump to Terraform action start', 'green', Terraform_action_start_handleButtonClick, 'jumpToTerraformActionStart', '900px');
        const button2 = createButton('Jump to Plan line', 'orange', Terraform_plan_line_handleButtonClick, 'jumpToPlanLine', '1113px');
        const button3 = createButton('Jump to No Changes', 'orange', Terraform_plan_no_changes_line_handleButtonClick, 'jumpToNoChanges', '1250px');

    // Function to create a button with specified properties
    function createButton(text, color, clickHandler, id, left) {
        const button = document.createElement('button');
        button.textContent = text; = 'fixed'; = '80px'; // Adjusted top position = left; = '9999'; = color;
        button.setAttribute('data-button-id', id);
        button.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
        return button;

    // Function to remove the appended buttons
    function removeButtons() {
        const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button[data-button-id="jumpToTerraformActionStart"], button[data-button-id="jumpToPlanLine"], button[data-button-id="jumpToNoChanges"]');
        buttons.forEach(button => button.remove());

    // Function to expand the search button
    function expandSearchButton() {
        const searchButton = document.querySelector('button[data-is-focusable="true"][aria-label="Search phrases"]');
        if (searchButton) {
            setTimeout(() => {
      ; // Click on the search button to expand it
            }, 1200);

    // Function to handle button click event
    function Terraform_action_start_handleButtonClick() {
        const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');
        if (searchField) {
            searchField.focus(); // Focus on the search field
            const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
  , 'Terraform will perform the following actions:');

            // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
            searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

    // Function to handle button click event
    function Terraform_plan_line_handleButtonClick() {
        const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');
        if (searchField) {
            searchField.focus(); // Focus on the search field
            const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
  , 'Plan:');

            // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
            searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

    // Function to handle button click event
    function Terraform_plan_no_changes_line_handleButtonClick() {
        const searchField = document.querySelector('.find-box input.bolt-textfield-input');
        if (searchField) {
            searchField.focus(); // Focus on the search field
            const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;
  , 'No changes.');

            // Dispatch an input event to simulate user input
            searchField.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

    // Call the initial setup when the script runs
    if (window.location.href.startsWith('') && window.location.href.includes('view=logs')) {
        // console.log("Rickscript - add buttons start!");


    // Debounce function
    function debounce(func, delay) {
        let timerId;
        return function(...args) {
            if (timerId) {
            timerId = setTimeout(() => {
                func.apply(this, args);
                timerId = null;
            }, delay);

    function executeScriptLogic() {
        // console.log("Rickscript --- Executing script logic...");
        let checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.primary-text');

        checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox) {
            // console.log("Rickscript --- Checking checkbox:", checkbox.textContent);
            if (checkbox.textContent.includes('apply')) {
                // console.log("Rickscript --- Found checkbox with 'apply' in text:", checkbox);
                let checkboxParent = checkbox.closest('.queue-panel-list-row');
                let checkboxElement = checkboxParent.querySelector('.bolt-checkbox');

                if (checkboxElement) {
                    // console.log("Rickscript --- Checkbox element found:", checkboxElement);
                    if (checkboxElement.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true') {
                        // console.log("Rickscript --- Checkbox is checked, unticking...");
                    } else {
                        // console.log("Rickscript --- Checkbox is already unchecked.");
                } else {
                    // console.log("Rickscript --- Checkbox element not found!");

    // Function to wait for the panel "Stages to run" to be opened
    function waitForPanelToOpen() {
        const panelObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutationsList, observer) {
            mutationsList.forEach(function(mutation) {
                // Check if the panel with the name "Stages to run" is added to the DOM
                if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {
                    const panels = document.querySelectorAll('.bolt-header-title.title-m');
                    panels.forEach(function(panel) {
                        if (panel.textContent === 'Stages to run')
                            // Panel is found, now execute the necessary script logic
                            // console.log("Rickscript --- blah panel found");

                            setTimeout(function() {
                            }, 500);

                            // const currentUrl = window.location.href;
                            // observer.previousUrl = currentUrl;
                            // Disconnect the observer as it's no longer needed


                            setTimeout(function() {
                            }, 1000);


        // Start observing the document for changes in the DOM
        panelObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true });

        // Set a timeout to ensure the observer is disconnected if the panel is not found
        // setTimeout(function() {
        //     panelObserver.disconnect();
        //     // console.log("Rickscript --- Fuckkkkk");
        // }, 8000); // Adjust timeout as needed (in milliseconds)

    if (window.location.href.includes('_build?definitionId') || window.location.href.includes('view=results'))
        // console.log("Rickscript - ffucksjfkjskfs")

    // Function to handle URL changes
    function handleUrlChange(mutationsList, observer) {
        for (let mutation of mutationsList) {

            if (mutation.type === 'childList' || mutation.type === 'attributes') {

                const currentUrl = window.location.href;

                // console.log("Rickscript --- currentUrl --- ", currentUrl);
                // console.log("Rickscript --- observer.previousUrl --- ", observer.previousUrl);

                if (currentUrl !== observer.previousUrl)

                    // console.log("Rickscript --- currentUrl --- ", currentUrl);
                    // console.log("Rickscript --- observer.previousUrl --- ", observer.previousUrl);

                    // observer.previousUrl = currentUrl;

                    if (!observer.previousUrl.includes('view=logs') && currentUrl.includes('view=logs')) {

                        // Transition from a URL without 'view=logs' to a URL with 'view=logs'
                        observer.previousUrl = currentUrl;

                        // console.log("Rickscript --- ******************* inside view=logs ******************* --- currentUrl --- ", currentUrl);

                        // Execute necessary functions

                        // Find the Plan button
                        var blahButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.bolt-link');

                        if (blahButtons.length > 0) {
                            // Iterate over each button to find the one with the text 'Plan' or 'Apply'
                            blahButtons.forEach(function(button) {
                                if (button.textContent.trim() === 'Apply' || button.textContent.trim() === 'Plan') {

                        // console.log("Rickscript - URL change - GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!");

                    } else if (observer.previousUrl.includes('view=logs') && !currentUrl.includes('view=logs')) {
                        // Transition from a URL with 'view=logs' to a URL without 'view=logs'
                        observer.previousUrl = currentUrl;

                        // If the URL doesn't match, remove buttons

                    } else if (!observer.previousUrl.includes('_build?definitionId') && currentUrl.includes('_build?definitionId')) {
                    //} else if (currentUrl.includes('_build?definitionId')) {

                        // console.log("Rickscript - _build?definitionId");

                        //console.log("Rickscript --- currentUrl --- ", currentUrl);
                        //console.log("Rickscript --- observer.previousUrl --- ", observer.previousUrl);

                        observer.previousUrl = currentUrl;
                        // console.log("Rickscript --- _build?definitionId END !!!");

                    } else if (!observer.previousUrl.includes('view=results') && currentUrl.includes('view=results')) {
                    // } else if (currentUrl.includes('view=results')) {

                        // console.log("Rickscript - view=results");

                        //console.log("Rickscript --- currentUrl --- ", currentUrl);
                        //console.log("Rickscript --- observer.previousUrl --- ", observer.previousUrl);

                        observer.previousUrl = currentUrl;
                        // console.log("Rickscript --- view=results END !!!");



    // Debounce the handleUrlChange function with a delay of 100ms
//     const debouncedHandleUrlChange = debounce(handleUrlChange, 100);

//     // Create a MutationObserver
//     const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
//         debouncedHandleUrlChange(mutationsList, observer);
//     });

    // Start observing the DOM for URL changes
    const observer = new MutationObserver(handleUrlChange);
    observer.observe(document.documentElement, { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true });
    observer.previousUrl = window.location.href;
