Youtube Save/Resume Progress

Have you ever closed a YouTube video by accident, or have you gone to another one and when you come back the video starts from 0? With this extension it won't happen anymore

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v1.5 10.03.2024 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.5 09.03.2024 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.5 19.02.2024

    Changed extension name

  • v1.4.4 19.02.2024

    Fixed bug: on Firefox, the info UI not displaying at all

  • v1.4.3 19.02.2024

    Fixed bug: on Chrome the info UI is inserted on the right

  • v1.4.2 19.02.2024

    Fixed bug: when the video has chapters, the info UI is displayed on the right side instead of on the left

  • v1.4.1 19.02.2024
  • v1.4 19.02.2024

    Added user interface that shows the last time it was saved the video

  • v1.3 18.02.2024

    Improved flow.
    initialize -> setSavedProgress -> loop main at interval doing again the setSavedProgress
    (here the first setSavedProgress sometimes is not executed because the player is not available so the second one within the loop is executed)

    initialize -> onPlayerElementExist(setSavedProgress) -> loop saveVideoProgress

  • v1.2 18.02.2024

    Improved performance by not accesing to the video id in each interval iteration
    Created config data for global stuff

  • v1.1.2 16.02.2024

    Changed icon

  • v1.1.1 15.02.2024

    Changed description

  • v1.1 14.02.2024