
Base library usable any time.

Verzia zo dňa 16.11.2023. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

Tento skript by nemal byť nainštalovaný priamo. Je to knižnica pre ďalšie skripty, ktorú by mali používať cez meta príkaz // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/477290/1281408/NH_base.js

// ==UserScript==
// ==UserLibrary==
// @name        NH_base
// @description Base library usable any time.
// @version     33
// @license     GPL-3.0-or-later; https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html
// @homepageURL https://github.com/nexushoratio/userscripts
// @supportURL  https://github.com/nexushoratio/userscripts/issues
// @match       https://www.example.com/*
// ==/UserLibrary==
// ==/UserScript==

window.NexusHoratio ??= {};

window.NexusHoratio.base = (function base() {
  'use strict';

  /** @type {number} - Bumped per release. */
  const version = 33;

   * @type {number} - Constant (to make eslint's `no-magic-numbers` setting
   * happy).
  const NOT_FOUND = -1;

   * @typedef {NexusHoratioVersion}
   * @property {string} name - Library name.
   * @property {number} [minVersion=0] - Minimal version needed.

   * Ensures appropriate versions of NexusHoratio libraries are loaded.
   * @param {NexusHoratioVersion[]} versions - Versions required.
   * @returns {object} - Namespace with only ensured libraries present.
   * @throws {Error} - When requirements not met.
  function ensure(versions) {
    let msg = 'Forgot to set a message';
    const namespace = {};
    for (const ver of versions) {
      const {
        minVersion = 0,
      } = ver;
      const lib = window.NexusHoratio[name];
      if (!lib) {
        msg = `Library "${name}" is not loaded`;
        throw new Error(`Not Loaded: ${msg}`);
      if (minVersion > lib.version) {
        msg = `At least version ${minVersion} of library "${name}" ` +
          `required; version ${lib.version} present.`;
        throw new Error(`Min Version: ${msg}`);
      namespace[name] = lib;
    return namespace;

  const NH = ensure([{name: 'xunit', minVersion: 23}]);

  /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
  class EnsureTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {

    testEmpty() {
      const actual = ensure([]);
      const expected = {};
      // TODO(#183): Better assertEqual()
      this.assertEqual(JSON.stringify(actual), JSON.stringify(expected));

    testNameOnly() {
      const ns = ensure([{name: 'base'}]);

    testMinVersion() {
        Error, /^Min Version:.*required.*present.$/u, () => {
          ensure([{name: 'base', minVersion: Number.MAX_VALUE}]);

    testMissing() {
        Error, /^Not Loaded: /u, () => {
          ensure([{name: 'missing'}]);

  /* eslint-enable */


   * A Number like class that supports operations.
   * For lack of any other standard, methods will be named like those in
   * Python's operator module.
   * All operations should return `this` to allow chaining.
   * The existence of the valueOf(), toString() and toJSON() methods will
   * probably allow this class to work in many situations through type
   * coercion.
  class NumberOp {

    /** @param {number} value - Initial value, parsed by Number(). */
    constructor(value) {

    /** @returns {number} - Current value. */
    valueOf() {
      return this.#value;

    /** @returns {string} - Current value. */
    toString() {
      return `${this.valueOf()}`;

    /** @returns {number} - Current value. */
    toJSON() {
      return this.valueOf();

     * @param {number} value - Number to assign.
     * @returns {NumberOp} - This instance.
    assign(value = 0) {
      this.#value = Number(value);
      return this;

     * @param {number} value - Number to add.
     * @returns {NumberOp} - This instance.
    add(value) {
      this.#value += Number(value);
      return this;



  /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
  /* eslint-disable no-undefined */
  /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
  class NumberOpTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {

    testValueOf() {
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp().valueOf(), 0, 'default');
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(null).valueOf(), 0, 'null');
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(undefined).valueOf(), 0, 'undefined');
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(42).valueOf(), 42, 'number');
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp('52').valueOf(), 52, 'string');

    testToString() {
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(123).toString(), '123', 'number');
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(null).toString(), '0', 'null');
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(undefined).toString(), '0', 'undefined');

    testTemplateLiteral() {
      const val = new NumberOp(456);
      this.assertEqual(`abc${val}xyz`, 'abc456xyz');

    testBasicMath() {
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(124) + 6, 130, 'NO + x');
      this.assertEqual(3 + new NumberOp(5), 8, 'x + NO');

    testStringManipulation() {
      const a = 'abc';
      const x = 'xyz';
      const n = new NumberOp('654');

      this.assertEqual(a + n, 'abc654', 's + NO');
      this.assertEqual(n + x, '654xyz', 'NO + s');

    testAssignOp() {
      const n = new NumberOp(123);
      this.assertEqual(n.valueOf(), 42, 'number');

      this.assertEqual(n.valueOf(), 0, 'null');

      this.assertEqual(n.valueOf(), 789, 'number, reset');

      this.assertEqual(n.valueOf(), 0, 'undefined');

    testAddOp() {
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(3).add(1)
        .valueOf(), 4,
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(1).add('5')
        .valueOf(), 6,
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(3).add(new NumberOp(8))
        .valueOf(), 11,
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(9).add(-16)
        .valueOf(), -7,

    testChaining() {
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp().add(1)
        .valueOf(), 6,
      this.assertEqual(new NumberOp(3).assign(40)
        .valueOf(), 42,

  /* eslint-enable */


   * Subclass of {Map} similar to Python's defaultdict.
   * First argument is a factory function that will create a new default value
   * for the key if not already present in the container.
   * The factory function may take arguments.  If `.get()` is called with
   * extra arguments, those will be passed to the factory if it needed.
  class DefaultMap extends Map {

     * @param {function(...args) : *} factory - Function that creates a new
     * default value if a requested key is not present.
     * @param {Iterable} [iterable] - Passed to {Map} super().
    constructor(factory, iterable) {
      if (!(factory instanceof Function)) {
        throw new TypeError('The factory argument MUST be of ' +
                            `type Function, not ${typeof factory}.`);

      this.#factory = factory;

     * Enhanced version of `Map.prototype.get()`.
     * @param {*} key - The key of the element to return from this instance.
     * @param {...*} args - Extra arguments passed tot he factory function if
     * it is called.
     * @returns {*} - The value associated with the key, perhaps newly
     * created.
    get(key, ...args) {
      if (!this.has(key)) {
        this.set(key, this.#factory(...args));

      return super.get(key);



  /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
  /* eslint-disable no-new */
  /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
  class DefaultMapTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {

    testNoFactory() {
      this.assertRaisesRegExp(TypeError, /MUST.*not undefined/u, () => {
        new DefaultMap();

    testBadFactory() {
      this.assertRaisesRegExp(TypeError, /MUST.*not string/u, () => {
        new DefaultMap('a');

    testFactorWithArgs() {
      // Assemble
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(x => new NumberOp(x));
      this.defaultEqual = this.equalValueOf;

      // Act
      dummy.get('b', 5);

      // Assert
        [['a', 0], ['b', 5]]);

    testWithIterable() {
      // Assemble
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(Number, [[1, 'one'], [2, 'two']]);

      // Act
      dummy.set(3, ['a', 'b']);

      // Assert
        [[1, 'one'], [2, 'two'], [3, ['a', 'b']], [4, 0]]);

    testCounter() {
      // Assemble
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(() => new NumberOp());
      this.defaultEqual = this.equalValueOf;

      // Act

      // Assert
        [['a', 0], ['b', 2], ['c', 0], [4, 1]]);

    testArray() {
      // Assemble
      const dummy = new DefaultMap(Array);

      // Act
      dummy.get('a').push(1, 2, 3);
      dummy.get('b').push(4, 5, 6);
      dummy.get('a').push('one', 'two', 'three');

      // Assert
        [['a', [1, 2, 3, 'one', 'two', 'three']], ['b', [4, 5, 6]]]);

  /* eslint-enable */


   * Fancy-ish log messages (likely over engineered).
   * Console nested message groups can be started and ended using the special
   * method pairs, {@link Logger#entered}/{@link Logger#leaving} and {@link
   * Logger#starting}/{@link Logger#finished}.  By default, the former are
   * opened and the latter collapsed (documented here as closed).
   * Individual Loggers can be enabled/disabled by setting the {@link
   * Logger##Config.enabled} boolean property.
   * Each Logger will have also have a collection of {@link Logger##Group}s
   * associated with it.  These groups can have one of three modes: "opened",
   * "closed", "silenced".  The first two correspond to the browser console
   * nested message groups.  The intro and outro type of methods will handle
   * the nesting.  If a group is set as "silenced", no messages will be sent
   * to the console.
   * All Logger instances register a configuration with a singleton Map keyed
   * by the instance name.  If more than one instance is created with the same
   * name, they all share the same configuration.
   * Configurations can be exported as a plain object and reimported using the
   * {@link Logger.configs} property.  The object could be saved via the
   * userscript script manager.  Depending on which one, it may have to be
   * processed with the JSON.{stringify,parse} functions.  Once exported, the
   * object may be modified.  This could be used to provide a UI to edit the
   * object, though no schema is provided.
   * Some values may be of interest to users for help in debugging a script.
   * The {callCount} value is how many times a logger would have been used for
   * messages, even if the logger is disabled.  Similarly, each group
   * associated with a logger also has a {callCount}.  These values can be
   * used to determine which loggers and groups generate a lot of messages and
   * could be disabled or silenced.
   * The {sequence} value is a rough indicator of how recently a logger or
   * group was actually used.  It is purposely not a timestamp, but rather,
   * more closely associated with how often configurations are restored,
   * e.g. during web page reloads.  A low sequence number, relative to the
   * others, may indicate a logger was renamed, groups removed, or simply
   * parts of an application that have not been visited recently.  Depending
   * on the situation, the could clean up old configs, or explore other parts
   * of the script.
   * @example
   * const log = new Logger('Bob');
   * foo(x) {
   *  const me = 'foo';
   *  log.entered(me, x);
   *  ... do stuff ...
   *  log.starting('loop');
   *  for (const item in items) {
   *    log.log(`Processing ${item}`);
   *    ...
   *  }
   *  log.finished('loop');
   *  log.leaving(me, y);
   *  return y;
   * }
   * Logger.config('Bob').enabled = true;
   * Logger.config('Bob').group('foo').mode = 'silenced');
   * GM.setValue('Logger', Logger.configs);
   * ... restart browser ...
   * Logger.configs = GM.getValue('Logger');
  class Logger {

    /** @param {string} name - Name for this logger. */
    constructor(name) {
      this.#name = name;
      this.#config = Logger.config(name);
      Logger.#loggers.get(this.#name).push(new WeakRef(this));

    static sequence = 1;

    /** @type {object} - Logger configurations. */
    static get configs() {
      return Logger.#toPojo();

    /** @param {object} val - Logger configurations. */
    static set configs(val) {

    /** @type {string[]} - Names of known loggers. */
    static get loggers() {
      return Array.from(this.#loggers.keys());

     * Get configuration of a specific Logger.
     * @param {string} name - Logger configuration to get.
     * @returns {Logger.Config} - Current config for that Logger.
    static config(name) {
      return this.#configs.get(name);

    /** Reset all configs to an empty state. */
    static resetConfigs() {
      this.sequence = 1;

    /** Clear the console. */
    static clear() {

    /** @type {boolean} - Whether logging is currently enabled. */
    get enabled() {
      return this.#config.enabled;

    /** @type {boolean} - Indicates whether messages include a stack trace. */
    get includeStackTrace() {
      return this.#config.includeStackTrace;

    /** @type {string} - Name for this logger. */
    get name() {
      return this.#name;

    /** @type {boolean} - Indicates whether current group is silenced. */
    get silenced() {
      let ret = false;
      const group = this.#groupStack.at(-1);
      if (group) {
        const mode = this.#config.group(group).mode;
        ret = mode === Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced;
      return ret;

     * Log a specific message.
     * @param {string} msg - Message to send to console.debug.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    log(msg, ...rest) {
      this.#log(msg, ...rest);

     * Indicate entered a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group that was entered.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    entered(group, ...rest) {
      this.#intro(group, Logger.#GroupMode.Opened, ...rest);

     * Indicate leaving a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group leaving.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    leaving(group, ...rest) {
      this.#outro(group, ...rest);

     * Indicate starting a specific collapsed group.
     * @param {string} group - Group that is being started.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    starting(group, ...rest) {
      this.#intro(group, Logger.#GroupMode.Closed, ...rest);

     * Indicate finishe a specific collapsed group.
     * @param {string} group - Group that was entered.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    finished(group, ...rest) {
      this.#outro(group, ...rest);

    static #configs = new DefaultMap(() => new Logger.#Config());
    static #loggers = new DefaultMap(Array);

     * Set Logger configs from a plain object.
     * @param {object} pojo - Created by {Logger.#toPojo}.
    static #fromPojo = (pojo) => {
      if (pojo && pojo.type === 'LoggerConfigs') {
        for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(pojo.entries)) {
        Logger.sequence += 1;

    /** @returns {object} - Logger.#configs as a plain object. */
    static #toPojo = () => {
      const pojo = {
        type: 'LoggerConfigs',
        entries: {},
      for (const [k, v] of this.#configs.entries()) {
        pojo.entries[k] = v.toPojo();
      return pojo;

     * This only resets Logger instances that have know configs.
     * That way, Loggers created during tests wrapped with a save/restore
     * sequence, will not have their configs regenerated.
    static #resetLoggerConfigs = () => {
      for (const key of this.#configs.keys()) {
        // We do not want to accidentally create a key in this DefaultMap.
        if (this.#loggers.has(key)) {
          const loggerArrays = this.#loggers.get(key);
          for (const loggerRef of loggerArrays) {
            const logger = loggerRef.deref();
            if (logger) {
              logger.#config = Logger.config(key);

    /* eslint-disable no-console */
    static #clear = () => {

    #groupStack = [];

     * Log a specific message.
     * @param {string} msg - Message to send to console.debug.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    #log = (msg, ...rest) => {
      const group = this.#groupStack.at(-1);
      if (this.enabled && !this.silenced) {
        if (this.includeStackTrace) {
          console.groupCollapsed(`${this.name} call stack`);
        console.debug(`${this.name}: ${msg}`, ...rest);

     * Introduces a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group being created.
     * @param {Logger.#GroupMode} defaultMode - Mode to use if new.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    #intro = (group, defaultMode, ...rest) => {
      const mode = this.#config.group(group, defaultMode).mode;

      if (this.enabled && mode !== Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced) {
        console[mode.func](`${this.name}: ${group}`);

      if (rest.length) {
        const msg = `${mode.greeting} ${group} with`;
        this.log(msg, ...rest);

     * Concludes a specific group.
     * @param {string} group - Group leaving.
     * @param {...*} rest - Arbitrary items to pass to console.debug.
    #outro = (group, ...rest) => {
      const mode = this.#config.group(group).mode;

      let msg = `${mode.farewell} ${group}`;
      if (rest.length) {
        msg += ' with:';
      this.log(msg, ...rest);

      const lastGroup = this.#groupStack.pop();
      if (group !== lastGroup) {
        console.error(`${this.name}: Group mismatch!  Passed ` +
                      `"${group}", expected to see "${lastGroup}"`);

      if (this.enabled && mode !== Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced) {
    /* eslint-enable */

    static #Config = class {

      sequence = 0;

      /** @type {NumberOp} */
      get callCount() {
        return this.#callCount;

      /** @type {boolean} - Whether logging is currently enabled. */
      get enabled() {
        return this.#enabled;

      /** @param {boolean} val - Set whether logging is currently enabled. */
      set enabled(val) {
        this.#enabled = Boolean(val);

      /** @type {Map<string,Logger.#Group>} - Per group settings. */
      get groups() {
        return this.#groups;

      /** @type {boolean} - Whether messages include a stack trace. */
      get includeStackTrace() {
        return this.#includeStackTrace;

      /** @param {boolean} val - Set inclusion of stack traces. */
      set includeStackTrace(val) {
        this.#includeStackTrace = Boolean(val);

       * @param {string} name - Name of the group to get.
       * @param {Logger.#GroupMode} mode - Default mode if not seen before.
       * @returns {Logger.#Group} - Requested group, perhaps newly made.
      group(name, mode) {
        const sanitizedName = name ?? 'null';
        const defaultMode = mode ?? 'opened';
        return this.#groups.get(sanitizedName, defaultMode);

       * Capture that the associated Logger was used.
       * @param {string} name - Which group was used.
      used(name) {
        const grp = this.group(name);

        this.sequence = Logger.sequence;

        grp.sequence = Logger.sequence;

      /** @returns {object} - Config as a plain object. */
      toPojo() {
        const pojo = {
          callCount: this.callCount.valueOf(),
          sequence: this.sequence,
          enabled: this.enabled,
          includeStackTrace: this.includeStackTrace,
          groups: {},

        for (const [k, v] of this.groups) {
          pojo.groups[k] = v.toPojo();

        return pojo;

      /** @param {object} pojo - Config as a plain object. */
      fromPojo(pojo) {
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'callCount')) {
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'sequence')) {
          this.sequence = pojo.sequence;
          Logger.sequence = Math.max(Logger.sequence, this.sequence);
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'enabled')) {
          this.enabled = pojo.enabled;
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'includeStackTrace')) {
          this.includeStackTrace = pojo.includeStackTrace;
        if (Object.hasOwn(pojo, 'groups')) {
          for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(pojo.groups)) {
            const gm = Logger.#GroupMode.byName(v.mode);
            if (gm) {

      #callCount = new NumberOp();
      #enabled = false;
      #groups = new DefaultMap(x => new Logger.#Group(x));
      #includeStackTrace = false;


    static #Group = class {

      /** @param {Logger.#GroupMode} mode - Initial mode for this group. */
      constructor(mode) {
        this.mode = mode;
        this.sequence = 0;

      /** @type {NumberOp} */
      get callCount() {
        return this.#callCount;

      /** @type {Logger.#GroupMode} */
      get mode() {
        return this.#mode;

      /** @param {Logger.#GroupMode} val - Mode to set this group. */
      set mode(val) {
        let newVal = val;
        if (!(newVal instanceof Logger.#GroupMode)) {
          newVal = Logger.#GroupMode.byName(newVal);
        if (newVal) {
          this.#mode = newVal;

      /** @returns {object} - Group as a plain object. */
      toPojo() {
        const pojo = {
          mode: this.mode.name,
          callCount: this.callCount.valueOf(),
          sequence: this.sequence,

        return pojo;

      /** @param {object} pojo - Group as a plain object. */
      fromPojo(pojo) {
        this.mode = pojo.mode;
        this.sequence = pojo.sequence ?? 0;
        Logger.sequence = Math.max(Logger.sequence, this.sequence);

      #callCount = new NumberOp();


    /** Enum/helper for Logger groups. */
    static #GroupMode = class {

       * @param {string} name - Mode name.
       * @param {string} [greeting] - Greeting when opening group.
       * @param {string} [farewell] - Salutation when closing group.
       * @param {string} [func] - console.func to use for opening group.
      constructor(name, greeting, farewell, func) {  // eslint-disable-line max-params
        this.#farewell = farewell;
        this.#func = func;
        this.#greeting = greeting;
        this.#name = name;

        Logger.#GroupMode.#known.set(name, this);


       * Find GroupMode by name.
       * @param {string} name - Mode name.
       * @returns {GroupMode} - Mode, if found.
      static byName(name) {
        return this.#known.get(name);

      /** @type {string} - Farewell when closing group. */
      get farewell() {
        return this.#farewell;

      /** @type {string} - console.func to use for opening group. */
      get func() {
        return this.#func;

      /** @type {string} - Greeting when opening group. */
      get greeting() {
        return this.#greeting;

      /** @type {string} - Mode name. */
      get name() {
        return this.#name;

      static #known = new Map();



    static {
      Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced = new Logger.#GroupMode('silenced');
      Logger.#GroupMode.Opened = new Logger.#GroupMode(
        'opened', 'Entered', 'Leaving', 'group'
      Logger.#GroupMode.Closed = new Logger.#GroupMode(
        'closed', 'Starting', 'Finished', 'groupCollapsed'


    /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
    /* eslint-disable no-undefined */
    /** This must be nested due to accessing #private fields. */
    static GroupModeTestCase = class extends NH.xunit.TestCase {

      testClassIsFrozen() {
        this.assertRaisesRegExp(TypeError, /is not extensible/u, () => {
          Logger.#GroupMode.Bob = {};

      testInstanceIsFrozen() {
        this.assertRaisesRegExp(TypeError, /is not extensible/u, () => {
          Logger.#GroupMode.Silenced.newProp = 'data';

      testLookupByValidName() {
        // Act
        const gm = Logger.#GroupMode.byName('closed');

        // Assert
        this.assertEqual(gm, Logger.#GroupMode.Closed);

      testLookupByInvalidName() {
        // Act
        const gm = Logger.#GroupMode.byName('nope');

        // Assert
        this.assertEqual(gm, undefined);

    /* eslint-enable */



  /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */
  /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
  /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
  class LoggerTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {

    setUp() {
      this.addCleanup(this.restoreConfigs, Logger.configs);

    restoreConfigs(saved) {
      Logger.configs = saved;

    testReset() {
      // Assemble
      Logger.config(this.id).enabled = true;

      // Act

      // Assert
      this.assertEqual(JSON.stringify(Logger.configs.entries), '{}');

    testInitialValues() {
      // Assemble
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);

      // Assert
      this.assertFalse(logger.enabled, 'enabled');
      this.assertFalse(logger.includeStackTrace, 'stack trace');
      this.assertEqual(Logger.config(this.id).groups.size, 0, 'no groups');

    testGroupDefaults() {
      // Assemble
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);

      // Act

      // Assert
      const groups = Logger.config(this.id).groups;
      this.assertEqual(groups.size, 2);
      this.assertEqual(groups.get('func').mode.name, 'opened');
      this.assertEqual(groups.get('loop').mode.name, 'closed');

    testCountsCollected() {
      // Assemble
      Logger.sequence = 10;
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);

      // Act
      // Results in counts

      // Basic intros do not log a message

      // Intros with extra stuff do log
      logger.entered('ent2', 'extra');

      // Count is in a group

      // Outros cause logs
      logger.leaving('ent1', 'extra');

      // Assert

      // Some of these are {@link NumberOp}
      this.defaultEqual = this.equalValueOf;

      const config = Logger.config(this.id);
      this.assertEqual(config.callCount, 6, 'call count');
      this.assertEqual(config.sequence, 10, 'sequence');
      this.assertEqual(config.groups.get('null').callCount, 2, 'null count');
      this.assertEqual(config.groups.get('null').sequence, 10, 'null seq');
      this.assertEqual(config.groups.get('ent1').callCount, 1, '1 count');
      this.assertEqual(config.groups.get('ent1').sequence, 10, '1 seq');
      this.assertEqual(config.groups.get('ent2').callCount, 3, '2 count');
      this.assertEqual(config.groups.get('ent2').sequence, 10, '2 seq');

    testExpectMismatcheGroup() {
      // TODO: Figure out a way inject or monkeypatch 'console'

      // Assemble
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);

      // Act

      // Assert
      this.skip('This really needs a way to assert.');

    testUpdateGroupByString() {
      // Assemble
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);

      // Act
      Logger.config('updateGroupByString').group('one').mode = 'silenced';

    testSaveRestoreConfigsTopLevel() {
      // This test does not strictly follow Assemble/Act/Assert as it has
      // extra verifications during state changes.

      // Some of these are {@link NumberOp}
      this.defaultEqual = this.equalValueOf;

      // Initial
      Logger.config(this.id).includeStackTrace = true;
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);
      logger.log('bumping the call count');

      const savedConfigs = Logger.configs;

      this.assertTrue(Logger.config(this.id).includeStackTrace, 'init trace');
      this.assertEqual(Logger.config(this.id).callCount, 1, 'init count');

      // Reset

        'reset trace');
      this.assertEqual(Logger.config(this.id).callCount, 0, 'reset count');

      // Bob was not present before saving the configs.  So, the following
      // tweak away from defaults should reset after restoration.
      Logger.config('Bob').enabled = true;

      // Restore
      Logger.configs = savedConfigs;

        'restore trace');
      this.assertEqual(Logger.config(this.id).callCount, 1, 'restore count');
      this.assertFalse(Logger.config('Bob').enabled, 'restore Bob');

    testSaveRestoreConfigsGroups() {
      // This test does not strictly follow Assemble/Act/Assert as it has
      // extra verifications during state changes.

      // Some of these are {@link NumberOp}
      this.defaultEqual = this.equalValueOf;

      const grp = 'a-loop';

      // Initial
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);
      logger.finished(grp, 'bumping the call count');

        'init mode');
        'init count');

      const savedConfigs = Logger.configs;

      // Reset

        'reset mode');
        'reset count');

      // Restore
      Logger.configs = savedConfigs;

        'restore mode');
        'restore count');

    testSaveRestoreBumpsSequenceAboveHighest() {
      const grp = 'some-group';
      Logger.sequence = 23;
      const logger = new Logger(this.id);

      // Just generating a group so it can have a sequence

      const savedConfigs = Logger.configs;

        'just checking....');

      savedConfigs.entries[this.id].sequence = 34;
      savedConfigs.entries[this.id].groups[grp].sequence = 42;

      // Restore - sequence should be > max(34, 42) from above
      Logger.configs = savedConfigs;
      this.assertTrue(Logger.sequence > 42, 'better be bumped');

  /* eslint-enable */


   * Execute TestCase tests.
   * @returns {boolean} - Success status.
  function doTestCases() {
    const me = 'Running TestCases';

    const savedConfigs = Logger.configs;
    const result = NH.xunit.runTests();
    Logger.configs = savedConfigs;

    if (result.errors.length) {
      for (const error of result.errors) {
        NH.xunit.testing.log.log('error:', error);

    if (result.failures.length) {
      for (const failure of result.failures) {
        NH.xunit.testing.log.log('failure:', failure.name, failure.message);

    NH.xunit.testing.log.leaving(me, result.wasSuccessful());
    return result.wasSuccessful();

   * Basic test runner.
   * This depends on {Logger}, hence the location in this file.
  function runTests() {
    NH.xunit.testing.log = new Logger('Testing');

    if (NH.xunit.testing.enabled) {
      if (doTestCases()) {
        NH.xunit.testing.log.log('All TestCases passed.');
      } else {
        NH.xunit.testing.log.log('At least one TestCase failed.');


  NH.xunit.testing.run = runTests;

   * Create a UUID-like string with a base.
   * @param {string} strBase - Base value for the string.
   * @returns {string} - A unique string.
  function uuId(strBase) {
    return `${strBase}-${crypto.randomUUID()}`;

   * Normalizes a string to be safe to use as an HTML element id.
   * @param {string} input - The string to normalize.
   * @returns {string} - Normlized string.
  function safeId(input) {
    let result = input
      .replaceAll(' ', '-')
      .replaceAll('.', '_')
      .replaceAll(',', '__comma__')
      .replaceAll(':', '__colon__');
    if (!(/^[a-z_]/iu).test(result)) {
      result = `a${result}`;
    return result;

  /* eslint-disable no-undefined */
  /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
  class SafeIdTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {

    testNormalInputs() {
      const tests = [
        {text: 'Tabby Cat', expected: 'Tabby-Cat'},
        {text: '_', expected: '_'},
        {text: '', expected: 'a'},
        {text: '0', expected: 'a0'},
        {text: 'a.b.c', expected: 'a_b_c'},
        {text: 'a,b,c', expected: 'a__comma__b__comma__c'},
        {text: 'a:b::c', expected: 'a__colon__b__colon____colon__c'},
      for (const {text, expected} of tests) {
        this.assertEqual(safeId(text), expected);

    testBadInputs() {
        () => {

        () => {

  /* eslint-enable */


   * Equivalent (for now) Java's hashCode (do not store externally).
   * Do not expect it to be stable across releases.
   * Implements: s[0]*31(n-1) + s[1]*31(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
   * @param {string} s - String to hash.
   * @returns {string} - Hash value.
  function strHash(s) {
    let hash = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-magic-numbers
      hash = (hash * 31) + s.charCodeAt(i) | 0;
    return `${hash}`;

   * Simple dispatcher (event bus).
   * It takes a fixed list of event types upon construction and attempts to
   * use an unknown event will throw an error.
  class Dispatcher {

     * @callback Handler
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type.
     * @param {*} data - Event data.

     * @param {...string} eventTypes - Event types this instance can handle.
    constructor(...eventTypes) {
      for (const eventType of eventTypes) {
        this.#handlers.set(eventType, []);

     * Attach a function to an eventType.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to connect with.
     * @param {Handler} func - Single argument function to call.
    on(eventType, func) {
      const handlers = this.#getHandlers(eventType);

     * Remove all instances of a function registered to an eventType.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to disconnect from.
     * @param {Handler} func - Function to remove.
    off(eventType, func) {
      const handlers = this.#getHandlers(eventType);
      let index = 0;
      while ((index = handlers.indexOf(func)) !== NOT_FOUND) {
        handlers.splice(index, 1);

     * Calls all registered functions for the given eventType.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to use.
     * @param {object} data - Data to pass to each function.
    fire(eventType, data) {
      const handlers = this.#getHandlers(eventType);
      for (const handler of handlers) {
        handler(eventType, data);

    #handlers = new Map();

     * Look up array of handlers by event type.
     * @param {string} eventType - Event type to look up.
     * @throws {Error} - When eventType was not registered during
     * instantiation.
     * @returns {Handler[]} - Handlers currently registered for this
     * eventType.
    #getHandlers = (eventType) => {
      const handlers = this.#handlers.get(eventType);
      if (!handlers) {
        const eventTypes = Array.from(this.#handlers.keys()).join(', ');
        throw new Error(
          `Unknown event type: ${eventType}, must be one of: ${eventTypes}`
      return handlers;


   * Separate a string of concatenated words along transitions.
   * Transitions are:
   *   lower to upper (lowerUpper -> lower Upper)
   *   grouped upper to lower (ABCd -> AB Cd)
   *   underscores (snake_case -> snake case)
   *   spaces
   *   character/numbers (lower2Upper -> lower 2 Upper)
   * Likely only works with ASCII.
   * Empty strings return an empty array.
   * Extra separators are consolidated.
   * @param {string} text - Text to parse.
   * @returns {string[]} - Parsed text.
  function simpleParseWords(text) {
    const results = [];

    const working = [text];
    const moreWork = [];

    while (working.length || moreWork.length) {
      if (working.length === 0) {
        moreWork.length = 0;

      // Unicode categories used below:
      // L - Letter
      // Ll - Letter, lower
      // Lu - Letter, upper
      // N - Number
      let word = working.shift();
      if (word) {
        word = word.replace(
          '$<lower> $<upper>'

        word = word.replace(
          '$<upper> $<lower>'

        word = word.replace(
          '$<letter> $<number>'

        word = word.replace(
          '$<number> $<letter>'

        const split = word.split(/[ _]/u);
        if (split.length > 1 || moreWork.length) {
        } else {

    return results;

  /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
  class SimpleParseWordsTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {

    // TODO(#183): Stop doing joins once assertEqual() is better.
    testEmpty() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('');

      // Assert
      this.assertEqual(actual.length, 0);

    testSeparatorsOnly() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords(' _ __  _');

      // Assert
      this.assertEqual(actual.length, 0);

    testAllLower() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('lower');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'lower';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testAllUpper() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('UPPER');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'UPPER';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testMixed() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('Mixed');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'Mixed';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testSimpleCamelCase() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('SimpleCamelCase');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'Simple,Camel,Case';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testLongCamelCase() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('AnUPPERWord');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'An,UPPER,Word';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testLowerCamelCase() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('lowerCamelCase');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'lower,Camel,Case';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testSnakeCase() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('snake_case_Example');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'snake,case,Example';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testDoubleSnakeCase() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('double__snake_Case_example');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'double,snake,Case,example';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testWithNumbers() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('One23fourFive');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'One,23,four,Five';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testWithSpaces() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords('ABCd EF  ghIj');

      // Assert
      const expected = 'AB,Cd,EF,gh,Ij';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

    testComplicated() {
      // Act
      const actual = simpleParseWords(
        'A_VERYComplicated_Wordy __ _  Example'

      // Assert
      const expected = 'A,VERY,Complicated,Wordy,Example';
      this.assertEqual(actual.join(','), expected);

  /* eslint-enable */


  return {
    version: version,
    ensure: ensure,
    DefaultMap: DefaultMap,
    Logger: Logger,
    uuId: uuId,
    safeId: safeId,
    strHash: strHash,
    Dispatcher: Dispatcher,
    simpleParseWords: simpleParseWords,
