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w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Modified/Forked from "Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker" ( Script is out-of-the-box setup to automatically add title, author, status, summary, and last read date to the description in an "collapsible" section so as to not clutter the bookmark.

< Spätná väzba na w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Awesome script :)

I've got only a small grievance. Line 1095 and following (reading out relationship tags): consider using cloneNode() before removing attributes and saving it for the bookmarking. Removing the class "tag" messes with my skin (and maybe others too) :)

Quick fix (through I only tested it once, but it should be straightforward):

var raw_rels_arr = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`.relationship.tags ul a`));
var rels_arr = [];
raw_rels_arr.forEach((el) => {
  var clone = el.cloneNode(true);
  rels_arr.push(`• ${clone.outerHTML}`);
Pridaný: 12.05.2024

Awesome script :)

I've got only a small grievance.
Line 1095 and following (reading out relationship tags): consider using cloneNode() before removing attributes and saving it for the bookmarking. Removing the class "tag" messes with my skin (and maybe others too) :)

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply and thanks for letting me know about the incompatibility and the subsequent fix. I've implemented it in v2.6.1 which should be live now.


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