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YouTube去广告 YouTube AD Blocker

这是一个去除YouTube广告的脚本,轻量且高效,它能丝滑的去除界面广告和视频广告,包括6s广告。This is a script that removes ads on YouTube, it's lightweight and efficient, capable of smoothly removing interface and video ads, including 6s ads.

< Spätná väzba na YouTube去广告 YouTube AD Blocker

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 10.06.2024

Please update

Pridaný: 11.06.2024

You copy the script code to chatgpt, tell gpt that the ad blocker has been recognized, and ask him to help you modify the code and replace the original code.

Pridaný: 12.06.2024

You copy the script code to chatgpt, tell gpt that the ad blocker has been recognized, and ask him to help you modify the code and replace the original code.

Seems to work for now - Hopefully I don't get ads again. Thanks for the tip!

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